// Vampire who?//

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That's the last part ya all.
Let's get into it 😉

"This means whispering btw"

Hiso POV

"So red and thick" Why can't he shut up? I have a hard time already to control myself.
Answer you idiot or he will get suspicious!


"Why don't ya drink some of it?" Out off Al things you could have said?!

"N-no thanks" He looks at me with that innocent look. He can't know anything can he?

"Why not remains ya too much of blood?" Stop questioning me or I'm going to give in the urge to jump over that table and suck every last drop of blood out of your body!

He has to know something or he wouldn't be asking such questions.
"W-what do you know?" Why can't I stop stuttering?

Why is he leaning closer?!

"I know that your eyes turn red if you see blood~"


"You know that one time, we were hanging out and that toddler fell on the pavement?"

I nodded, I remember that day.

The toddler had a bleeding knee after he fell on the pavement and my eyes turned red for a split second. But nobody had noticed that or could even notice that.

So what are you Atsumu Miya?

"I know that yer a vampire.
I know that Kiyoomi is one two.
I also know that that whole flirting thing, that while date thing is only here because I wanted to know what you are~"

This was really creepy

"So you only said yes to the date to know what I am?"


"And what are you going to do now that you know what I am?"

"I'm going to get out of here" He said in a cold voice standing up ready to leave.

I grabbed his wrist, I have one last question.

"And what are you?"

"I don't know, maybe a human, maybe a fox, maybe a vampire~
But I know that ya are not gonna find out anytime soon or even ever would find out"

I let go of his wrist and sit back in my seat. I let him leave and let myself think about what has happened the last 5 minutes.

Tìmèskìp Møñdåy

Atsumu POV

I was sitting on my desk, doing paperwork, until Sakusa spoke up and broke the comfortably silence.

"How was your date with Hiso?"

"I was okay I guess, I left after a hour" I said not looking up from my papers.

"Why did you leave?" He was surprised, maybe he thought I liked Hiso or something.

"Because I got what I wanted" I could feel how confused he was, it was amusing.
"I got information and I had to play the flirting card to get it" I added in a annoyed voice.

"Ya know Omi~" I looked at him, only to see him blush at the nickname.
"I only flirted with him to get what I wanted~"

"And what did you want?"

"Information what else~
The kind of information I had a suspect already~" I say while standing up and going to Sakusa's desk. I sat on it, leaning closer to Omi's face.

"The kind of information I knew already~"
I said leaning closer, closing the gap between us, kissing my boss.

I can feel him grab my hips, pick me up and sit me down in his lap, never breaking the kiss.

I couldn't help it and moan into the kiss after he deepened it. He broke that kiss and attacked my neck, leaving one or two hickeys.

We were making out, then someone knocked out he door. I got off Sakusa's lap, fixing myself.

"Come in"

"Hey cous did you..." I swear to god, Komori you and your timings!
"I'm just gonna come back later, have fun~" with that he turned around and left.

"What was that?" It slipped out my mouth, but I didn't regret it.

"I don't know but we can continue if you want~"

Komori POV

What did I just witness?! I closed the door and turned around, snickering at the two. Only to be met with Osamu and Suna.
Whelp imma pray for Kiyo.

"Have fun with what?"

"Babe, calm down, it's nothing serious or Komori?"


Okay let's pray for Sakusa's ass and end the story here!

725 Words


SakuAtsu // CEO x secretary ✔️🔁Where stories live. Discover now