//A fox as secretary?!//

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Hey, hey hey!
Sorry for not posting😔.
But let's start with the 3. Part!

3. Person POV

Atsumu works for Sakusa since 3 weeks, they have been flirting with eachother. Mostly Atsumu teasing his boss, with latter trying to hide it. He is not as good in it as he thinks, but don't tell him that🤫.

Atsumu POV

Sakusa was sitting on his desk, doing what know I what. Myself was looking trough though some papers. 'Till Sakusa asked me to give him some blue folder in the cupboard.

"That one?" I said while bending down and pointing on a folder.


I can feel him starring at me, my ass, specifically. Not that I'm complaining.
I start wiggling my ass to tease him a bit more.

"Ya like what you see?~"

Sakusa POV

He bends down to take the folder. Fuck, look at that ass. I look at my secretary, the suit trousers are stretching around his delicious ass. What am I thinking? Kiyoomi get your thoughts back to work! He starts wiggling his ass. I stand up without making any noise and when he stood up I turned him around and pinned him to the wall.

"Sakusa, what the- haa~" He starts moaning, when I bite down at his neck.

Get yourself together! Fuck, I have to fight down the urge to bite his neck and suck his blood. Then for the split of a second I saw something, it looked like ears and tails?
I stepped back to look at Atsumu.

"Are you a fox?"

"No, why do ya think that?" He answered and if didn't knew what I saw I would have believed him.

"Miya, don't lie to me"

"I'm not!"

I kissed him again, this time on the lips. I can feel him melt into the kiss, I opened my eyes for a second to see that he has transformed again and I deepened the kiss that he can't transform back.

"Not a fox, huh?" I ask after breaking the kiss.

"Ya are playing with dirty tricks!"

"No, I'm just answering my questions" I said while lightly touching his ears, they are so soft and like cat ears.

"What a-are ya d-doing?" He stuttered out.

"How sensitive are they?" I really want to know his weak spot and it looks like I found it. I tightened my grip a little, just a little, not much.

"V-very s-sensitive" He stuttered between a mix of purrs and moans.

"That sensitive?" I said teasingly while massaching his ear.


"You really want me to stop?"

He kept quiet, while trying to stop purring what turns into semi-loud moaning, at the movements of my fingers.
I let go of his ears when I heard a knock on the door, with a look at Atsumu who turned back in his human form, I called the person in.

I hope you liked it 🖤🤍

496 Words


SakuAtsu // CEO x secretary ✔️🔁Where stories live. Discover now