We meet again

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"I'm not so sure if he'll do it." Sawyer replies with a squeaky voice.
"Come on, can't you just bring it up subtly?" I asked him, holding onto his bicep. He sighs before lifting his head up to me.
"I'll try my best." He frowns.
"Thank you so much. I need to make it to my job, they're probably already looking for someone new." I said.
"Right, your job." He nods, almost sounding disappointed.
"Yeah, but hey, my destination is only about two hours away so maybe I could visit again one day." I reassure him, but it didn't seem to help as he left the room again without another word being spoken. I sighed, laying my head down onto the pillow and falling into a restful sleep soon after.

Upon eating breakfast with Polly and Celeste, Berk came up from behind me with a piece of paper with writing over it.
"Here's all the chores you've got to do if you want to start getting paid." He scoffs at the thought before taking himself to the coffee pot that filled the kitchen with the scent. Scanning over the note, it read,

- Clean all vehicles, inside and out.
- Sweep the porch.
- Feed animals.
- Retrieve mail from post office.

My eyebrows furrowed together, "Where do I find the post office?" Berk takes a long sip from the mug, the steam flying in the air.
"It's the only one we got nearby, you can't miss it. It's a small and blue building." He informs me. I stand up from the kitchen table, clutching the note in hand.
"I guess I should get started on this then." I forced a smile at Berk before getting supplies for washing the trucks that sat outside of the home.

Finishing Berk's truck, I then made my way over to Sawyer's. Swinging the gigantic sponge back and forth across the hood, I suddenly hear footsteps rushing up behind me.
"You're washing Bertha?" He questions me as his eyes widened at his truck.
I scrunched my nose up at him, "You named your truck?" He takes the sponge away from me and begins doing my chore instead.
"Nobody gets to touch my truck but me." He laughs with a shake of the head. I scoffed, grabbing the sponge from his grip as it dripped onto the grass.
"This is my chore, remember, for money?" I reminded him. He smiled and put his head down as he walked passed me. As I continued washing his truck, I hear a bucket of water swishing around until I felt it, the cold, soapy water, spilling all over me. I turned around to face a snorting Sawyer.
"I know you didn't just do that." I wiped the water from underneath my eyes with a swift movement.
"Hey, you wanted the chore." He laughs.
I turned my head to the side, "You know what else I want?"
He shrugged his shoulders, his smile slowly disappearing.
"I want," I paused as I took steps closer to him, "a huge, hug." I said before running after him, my arms widened enough to wrap around his torso. As I eventually caught onto him, I tackled him to the ground, allowing the soapy water to fall all over him and landing onto his face.
"Now, if you don't mind, I got chores to get to." I sassed him, getting myself off of him and returning back to his truck. As he leaves to head back inside, I still hear him cackling to himself. This family really is a handful, Celeste was right.

Looking down at the note once again, all were checked off except for one thing. The post office. Making my way inside the home, I couldn't find anyone. Until, Celeste pops around a corner.
"Celeste! I need your help taking me to the post office." I said as she gave a warm smile to me.
"Sure, Polly will come with too." She says, walking out the front door with Polly behind her. As we all get into Berk's cleaner truck, we start heading down the road.
"You really did a good job cleaning this thing." Celeste complimented my work.
"Thanks, if it looks good to you, I hope it's good enough for Berk." I smiled.
"Oh, Berk. Look, I know he can really be tough on you and everyone, but he really does mean well. He just wants to protect us. He wasn't always so strict." Celeste reassures.
"I understand, but who is Anakin? Sawyer said something about an Anakin. He was like, a friend of Berk's or something like that." I inquired.
Polly pokes her head out from the backseat, "I remember him! He was real nice." She grinned widely.
Celeste laughs, "Yes, he was. We don't him much these days, but he helped us when we first moved here." Like dealing with unknown creatures? I sat back in the leather seat, looking out at the opened desert.

As I waited to retrieve the mail from the lady, I hear the bell ding at the front door.
"Hey stranger." A man's voice spoke out. Turning to face the man, my heart dropped.
"Ethan?" His hair had grown since I had last seen him, which happened to be three years ago now. Darker and longer.
Lines appeared across his crystal blue eyes as he smiled at me, "I thought you were supposed to start a new job nearby." He stated.
"My mom told you this, didn't she?" I questioned. She never did get over him, kinda like how I never did either. He shrugged his shoulders like a child. I sighed, attempting to leave but he caught ahold of me as we got outside.
"What's all the mail for?" He asked.
"It's not for me, it's for the people looking after me. Now, if you don't mind, I really have to get going." I say, rushing towards the truck where Celeste and Polly waited. As we began driving off, I see him get into a small green and shiny car.
"Who was that attractive boy?" Celeste joked along with a smile.
I frowned, "That was my ex-boyfriend."

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