Red Mann's

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As I made my way around the nature grounds, I ran into a man with khaki pants along with a beige button up shirt with an evergreen logo with yellow trees, reading Red Mann's forest and park. The man spun around, revealing his shining blue eyes and gray hair that was showed balding.
He smiled warmly, "Alana Foster! It's good to see my employee finally." He shook my hand rapidly before dropping it abruptly.
"Yeah, uh, what's your name boss?" I spoke nervously, but that feeling vanished when he chuckled to himself, spinning around and walking off. Following him, it was hard to keep up with his fast legs.
"My name is William, I'm really glad you made it because we've been needing some extra help at a resting point." He explains, turning his head to the side as he moves his hands around while he talks. For being older, he was quite the energetic type. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Sliding it out subtly, I read the text that came across my phone.

Sawyer: Did you get there safely? Though, before I could reply, I had nearly bumped into William as we came to a stop in front of a small shack.
"Here is where you'll be on the weekends, helping Amelia Wall here with whatever she may need help with and, of course, the hikers." He says before walking into the small shack.

Following him inside, it was much nicer and cozy looking than the outside. A wooden desk with a wide window over, letting a perfect amount of sunshine in. The desk, was old as it appeared with stains and carvings in it along with scratches. There was a twin bed in the corner with a dark blue flannel blanket and a thin pillow that looked like it wouldn't help supporting your head in any way. On top of the desk were papers on top of papers, alongside a mini vintage refrigerator. Then, I saw what I could assume was my coworker, Amelia. She had black, straight hair that met her hips and as she looked over to me, taking in my presence, Her dark brown eyes looked through mine.
"Finally, a girl around here." She said with a short giggle.
William laughed at her, "Right, well remember what's important."
Amelia cocked her head to the side at William, "You know me, I'm the most serious one here."
William nods and pats my shoulder, "Well, time to get to work. Amelia here will tell you everything you need to know. Lunch break is at twelve to twelve forty." He informed me before walking out the door and disappearing through the crowd of hikers.

I walked up to Amelia, holding my hand out for her to shake it. "My name is Alana." I smiled warmly. She looked down at my hand, hesitantly before shaking it and smiling ever so slightly.
"Amelia, but you already knew that." She replied before returning to the desk and flipping through papers. Standing next to her, I looked around the room some more to take in all the decor before spotting a huge map over the bed with red tacks.
"Is that a map for this forest?" I questioned her. She glances at me then to the map before nodding and returning her focus on the paper. Not much of a talker, are you Amelia? Hopefully I can warm up to you like George. She then walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a similar uniform like hers and William.
"Here is your uniform. Uhm, I'll go outside and take care of people and you can come out and meet up with me once you're finished up." She informs before walking out the door. Changing into the tan colored uniform, I put my tennis shoes back on and go searching for Amelia. It hadn't hit me how busy this forest would be until I got confused in the crowds of hikers. Just then, someone bumps into me as I fall, hitting the hard dirt below.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" A woman says before already lifting me up with ease. As I gain my focus back, I realized it was another ranger, wearing the same uniform as I was. I noticed her arms were muscular, her shoulders broad and long blonde hair. Her grey eyes appeared apologetic as they sat on me.
"No, it's okay! I just got lost looking for somebody. I'm Alana." I outstretched my arm as she took it, gently shaking it. Perhaps she learned from me falling at the slightest push from her, she knew to be gentle. She was a lot more stronger than me.
"I'm Olivia, and let me guess, you're looking for Amelia." She laughed at the thought.
"Actually, yes. How'd you-
"She's always going off and exploring while on the job. Her excuse is always 'I was helping some people who got lost', she's over at the gift shop, over that way." Olivia pointed to the left, where a small brown building was.
"Got it, thank you." I smiled at her before rushing over to the shop, crossing a tiny bridge that hovered over a creek.

Upon walking into the shop, a bell chimed above me and that's when I found Amelia, talking to a man at the counter. As they both glanced my way, that's when I realized who the man was.
"Alana, right? From Mary's Morning?" He chuckled at the coincidence of seeing me again. I walked up beside Amelia and smiled awkwardly.
"That would be me." I replied. Amelia looked between him and I a few times with surprise.
"You two know each other?" Amelia questioned.
"Barely, Amelia. She just came to the shop this morning." He reassured her as a relieved expression came across her.

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