The stone

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I jumped, startled as a group of teenagers yelled who walked passed me and down the path. Rolling my eyes at the group who giggled and laughed, Sawyer squints his eyes as he walked toward me with two coffee cups.
"One hot chocolate for miss Alana." Sawyer says handing me the white cup before he takes a sip out of his own cup.
I smiled at him, "And what did you get for this fall morning?" He smirked as he watched the hikers walk by us before he took another long sip and then smacking his lips together with satisfaction.
"A nice, hot black coffee."
"Yuck!" I stuck my tongue out before he shot me a wide eyed glance.
"Ain't nothing yuck about black coffee." I pouted offended.
I sighed heavily to myself, "Well, it seems like a slow day today." I said before I wandered back inside to the shack with Sawyer following from behind. As I sat at the desk for hours, reading the newspaper, I noticed an article with bold and black letters.

An anonymous source says Dakota Beck is Alive. When questioned how they knew, they replied with saying that they had seen sixteen year old Dakota in Red Mann's forest the day of his disappearance. More to be revealed shortly.

Quickly, I tapped on Sawyer's faded red and black flannel to read it before he looked to me with an expressionless face.
"Amelia's little brother?" He questioned as he landed his hand on the table, hovering over me.
"Yeah, but this source, something doesn't make sense about this." I scrunched my eyebrows together, rereading it multiple times before the door to the shack flew opened with Olivia and Amelia.
Olivia dragged Amelia over to the bed as Amelia sat, slumped and tired.
"What's going on?" Sawyer asked Olivia.
"I'm sorry guys, I really, really am. She asked me to not tell anybody so I didn't.. for weeks." Olivia apologized repeatedly, nearly running out of breath as her chest raised and lowered rapidly. Rushing over to Olivia and Amelia, I placed my hands down onto Olivia's shoulders forcing her eyes to look at me.
"Olivia, calm down. Breathe." I order her. Soon enough, she starts breathing slowly before she closes her eyes for just a second, finally finding the words to speak.
"Her scratch, it-it got kinda— kinda, just a little bit, possibly, a little bit more b-bad." Olivia admitted as her lips trembled. Sawyer carefully outstretched his arms, lifting up Amelia's shirt to reveal the scratch on her back. Red on the outside of the wound, but the middle had turned a dark yellow. The skin that surrounded her wound had appeared to be slightly bruised.
"This is infected, she needs to go to the hospital. No hesitation this time." Sawyer spoke strictly, facing Olivia. As they spoke with each other, I crouched down in front of Amelia who appeared to be in a daze. Underneath her chocolate eyes, were a pale purple tone to add to the tiresome appearance.
"Amelia, how're you feeling?" I asked her softly. Her eyes looked up to me, however, she didn't speak. Instead, she put her head down to ignore me.
"I'd love to take her, but I didn't drive to work and Amelia walked here today." Olivia admitted to Sawyer. I stand before facing the two.
"Sawyer, you can drive them to the hospital." I spoke. Before saying another word, Olivia picked Amelia up from the bed and slung Amelia's arm around her shoulder for support.
"Alana, what about you?" Sawyer questioned me.
"I'm good, I'll have to close up for later tonight anyway. We close earlier than normal tonight, seven o'clock." I nodded at him to leave. Hesitantly, he backed up and left with Olivia and a sluggish Amelia. Watching them out the door, I see them all get into Sawyer's truck before screeching out of the parking lot and disappearing down the road. Quickly, I make my way to the desk and get out my cellphone and notebook with my notes written across the yellow stained paper. On my cellphone, I looked up David Mill. Last post, twelve hours ago. "Help." Before tagging the location on the post, Red Mann's forest.
"You idiot!" I slammed my hand down flat onto the wooden desk with frustration. That's when I remembered, we have our own profile for Red Mann's. Logging in, I commented onto the post, "What can we help you with today, David?" Just play it cool, Alana. Nobody will think anything. Then, that's when I spotted a woman commenting on the post. "David, what's wrong? Did you find Ethan yet?" What was going on with him and this girl? Nearly jumping out of the chair, the door opened up with a thwack.
"Sorry there darling," William spoke softly, though the gruffness in his voice made it difficult to do so. "I was just checking in on you, I heard about Amelia and Olivia."
I laughed nervously before I stood, dusting off my uniform, "Yeah I'm good. I'm sure Amelia will be okay too."
He gave a weak grin, "Well I was just wondering if you'd be able to clean off some rocks."
"Erm, rocks?" I repeated with confusion.
"Heh, yeah, I got word from a few hikers that there was graffiti written on some stones. I can lead you there with the cleaning supplies." He informed me.
I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Show me the way."

After what was about a twenty minute hike, William stopped in front of me before putting the cleaning supplies down as he turned to me.
"Here's where the graffiti is. Once you're done, just come back the way we came." William gave me another friendly and warm grin as he walked back down the dirt path. Picking up the sponge, I squirted a gel, unknown to me, and begin to slowly yet surely clean off the words. Though, I paused as I took a closer glance. The graffiti, was only one word, wrote in white as if someone had used a rock to carve it into the stone. Help.

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