Hard decisions

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He stopped, turning to face me. "The cave was here, in Red Mann's forest." My eyes examined the trees and everything within them, attempting to spot the said cave.
"Here?" I asked.
"Yes, but you won't find it easily. They informed me that they came here many times for family trips and for fun, but one day, they'd lost sight of their son George. When they retrieved him, that is what angered the creatures." He explained carefully. As he spoke on, a strong breeze came along causing me to hug myself tighter for warmth.
"So, why do you call them the cursed family? It can't be their fault that those things are obsessed with them, right?" I asked him, curling a strand of hair behind my ear.
"No, of course not. But, if they choose you, you're cursed. If they insist, then that's more trouble." He replied before leading me back down the trail.
"But-but then what? What can they do to ward them off for good?"
He stopped abruptly, facing me with tightened eyebrows, "You care for Legend family?" He questioned me as if he were surprised I'd even care at all for them. The day I came upon their home with their son, Celeste welcomed me in with a warming smile. Polly was excited to see another girl around and even helped me sew things. Mike, along with Berk, might've been a bit hard headed, but they still helped at times I needed it the most. And George, well he was a bit too quiet to allow me to get close with, but I could see the kindness even through that wall. I couldn't imagine how hard it must've been for him during the time he went missing to those creatures. Last but not least, Sawyer himself. If it hadn't been for him, I don't know where I'd be. On the day where the summer heat was at it's highest and the loneliest I'd been since being away from home, he was there with his cowboy hat to help me.
"Y-yeah, of course I care about them. It's hard not to care." I admitted to Anakin who then nodded slowly, taking in my response carefully.
"Then, you must leave them behind." He simply replies as he continues down the trail. Quickly, I run after him, attempting to catch up.
"What, no! I can't do that, these are good people who have been accused of horrible things over and over again."
He stopped again, "Have you not been one to have accused of them of anything?"
I flinched slightly, "Well, no. I mean, once I thought maybe they did something but of course, I was wrong."
"Alana, these creatures are vicious ones. They will not stop until they get what they want so badly." He looks at me with his deep brown eyes.
"They want George still, don't they?"
He nods, "Yes, and they won't stop. They can't move because they'll just follow along."
"So what other choice do they have?" I questioned him.
"Either keep fighting or," he paused before signing heavily to himself, "give him away." My eyes watered with tears as I begin to shake my head.
"No, that can't happen." I replied. When we stopped, I'd realized we were standing outside of the shack where Dakota sat inside peacefully and safely.
"We never deal with those things because we are very cautious about them. If we know one is following or near, we ignore and stick to our family. But these ones, I've never seen them so persistent. They want George because George ended up in their home." He informed me.
"Well, thanks for the talk Anakin, I hope to be seeing you soon." I say as he starts to walk away from the shack.

As the night came to an end, I gathered my belongings and walked to my car with Dakota by my side.
"I heard the conversation today, you and that guy." Dakota spoke up.
"Yeah, what's up?" I questioned him.
"Well, he's right. When I went missing, I seen tons of the caves. When I entered one, I've been finding them at random moments. Once you see them, they know—and they continue lurking after you for good." He stated. As I listened to him, what he had said had given me a chill throughout my body as the hairs on my arms stood upright.
"I know." I softly reply.
"And he said that they're a cursed family, well— I think I've gotten my life cursed as well."
I looked over to him, "What? No, that's not true Dakota." I tried to reassure him but he shook his head.
"My family was my sister and now that she's gone, it's just me— and I, myself am cursed too."
"We can fix this, we'll be able to. Trust me." I firmly spoke back.

As I laid in bed after Dakota went to sleep, I begin to text Sawyer.

"We need to get rid of those creatures. Don't you want to be free from them again?" For a couple of minutes, it was left unseen until he begin to text back.
"Of course, but how would we?"
I texted back, "Can I meet you tomorrow at your house?
"I'm not sure if that's a good idea."
"Coffee shop?"
"Sure, tomorrow morning then?"
"Sounds good." I turned over in my bed and watched the stars in the sky before a heavy feeling fell over my eyes.

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