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Akane looking up from his desk. He quickly looked away again, rolling his eyes. Teru chuckled at this, taking a seat opposite the boy.

"So, Akane-san."

The boy puffed out his cheeks, slowly turning to his elder. "What?" Teru sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. "Have you ever head of a girl named Y/N Akane?"

At the sound of the name Akane perked up, fully turning. "Y/N? Yeah why?" The president leaned forward, his brow furrowing. "Tell me everything you know about her." 

Akane nodded, tilting his head a bit. "Well she's Aoi's older sister, by a year. I've known her since I was a kid, she's really nice. She also smart and pretty, far as I know everyone adores her. Aoi is kinda like a mini her, but-" He paused, a dreamy look crossing his face. "Aoi's prettier if you ask me."

Teru nodded, ignoring the last line. "Thanks." He stood from the desk, leaving the room and stepping into the hall. Just as he did, Y/N bumped into him, dropping her books.

"Oh jeez," She knelt down, beginning to pick them up. "Sorry senpai, I should watch where I'm going." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, Teru kneeling down to help. The two stood, Teru handing her the last book. 

"No need to apologize, it was my fault." He gave a fake smile, Y/N smiling back. "Thanks senpai, I'll see you around." She began walking past, Teru turning slightly. 

There it was again.

A faint smirk playing on her lips, a hint of amusement in her eyes. It was like she was toying with him, pulling his strings for a reaction.

Teru maintained his smile, his hands entering his pockets as his hair fell by his eyes. He watched as Y/N strode down the hall, waving to people with a smile. He smiled, the light in his eyes shifting.

"Is that how we're playing?"

↳ [Edited]
This fanfic is gonna get spicy fast

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