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extra long chapter !


light from his curtains shining into his room. He blinked a few times, the ceiling fan coming into focus above him. Slowly, he sat up, looking around his room.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan!"

Tiara came bounding into his room, beginning to try and climb onto the bed. "Kou made waffles!!" She shouted in glee, running back out of the room with her hands thrown up in excitement. 

Teru slowly pulled of his covers, looking down to the floor.

Why did it feel like something was missing?


Teru had a mellow expression the rest of the way to school, his first period, break, lunch. And then he ran into Nene Yashiro and her best friend Aoi Akane. 

Akane? That name seemed familiar. Somehow important. 

"O-Oh hi senpai!" Yashiro blushed, profusely apologizing while Aoi laughed by her side. "Your so clumsy Nene!"

"Aren't you two late for class?"

The two girls turned, Teru raising his eyes. Before him stood a girl.  

She was medium height with hair identical to Aoi's. She had a small smile on her face and the perfect color blush on her cheeks. Two heart earrings hung from her lobes and her eyes-

They were a piercing silver.

The girl set a hand on Aoi's head, looking up to meet eyes with the blonde. Almost immediately her face dropped, a look of pain appearing in her eyes. 

"Come on I'll walk you guys to class." She grabbed the two girls arms pulling them along, her head turned towards the floor. She sped by biting her lip as she attempt to keep from showing any emotion on her face.

Teru looked down towards his shoes. She looked familiar. I didn't know Aoi had a sister.

Whatever. I'm feeling out of it today.


The blonde continued on with his day, his classes, talking to friends, student council work. But no matter what, it always felt as though some presence was missing. 

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