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suggestive behavior !


Teru inches from her face. He leaned down, a smile playing at his lips. "Hello, Y/N-chan." He began walking forward, a sword suddenly appearing on his hip. Y/N backed up, her eyes wide as she hit the wall.

Teru stood in front of her, his smile now gone. Y/N stayed frozen for a moment before a smirk appeared on her lips. Her eyes the same as when she passed Teru in the hall.

"And I thought it would take you longer, congrats blondie."

The blonde frowned, his eyes determined. He placed a hand on his holster, pulling out his blade. In the blink of an eye it was stuck in the wall beside Y/N's head, the girl not even flinching, her smug look frozen on her face.

"Wow, impressive." She traced a finger along the blade, taking a step closer to the exorcist. "Did you miss on purpose?" She batted her eyelashes, sticking out her lip in a pout as she placed a finger on the boy's chest.

Teru kept his straight face, growing slightly more irritated as Y/N pulled her lollipop out of her mouth. The blonde pulled his blade back, taking a step closer to Y/N so she was looking up at him.

"You know why I'm-"

Y/N shoved her lollipop into his mouth, the boy's eyes widening as he stumbled back. Y/N stepped forward, grabbing a hold of Teru's tie. She leaned into his ear, pulling his body to hers. 

"You wanna kill me that bad? Try it."

She released him, the lunch bell beginning to ring. Students began to trickle into the building, going back to their classes. Y/N waved as the hall began to be flooded, disappearing with the crowd of people. 

Teru pulled the sucker out his mouth, his sword vanishing. "This," A smile pulled his lips, his gentle eyes sharpening. 

"Is going to be more fun than I thought."

↳ [Edited]
s p i c y

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