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002 ⎯⎯ juice boxes



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Kou reached for his lunch box, Yokoo laughing as he held it above his head. Satou smiled at the two, taking a bite of his own lunch. He turned to Aoi and Nene, the two girls giggling at the fight before them.

"Aoi! Nene!" 

The group all turned, Kou and Satou pausing their play fight. Y/N skipped over to the picnic blanket, a smile lighting her face. She opened her bag, pulling out five juice cartoons. "Here you go." She set them on the blanket, the boys quickly diving for them

Nene smiled up to the older girl, Aoi doing the same. "Thanks nii-chan."

Y/N nodded, starting across the lawn. "I'll see you guys later! Have a good day!" She waved, Yokoo staring as she walked away. He sighed, "Man I love your sister." Satou hit him over the head, Aoi shaking her head.

"I wonder where she's going?"


"Yo Tsuchi! You here?" 

Y/N rolled up her sleeves, stepping into the classroom. The teacher at the desk sighed, Yako perched on his head. "Why're you here this time?" He questioned, taking a sip of coffee.

Y/N grinned, pulling up a chair. She sat in it backwards, pulling a juice box from her bag. Yako jumped down to the desk, the bells on her ears jingling. 

"Don't you have better things to do? Like I don't know, play human?" She growled, Y/N letting out a laugh. "Good to see you too." She took a sip of her drink, turning to Tsuchigamori. "Got any suckers left?"

The teacher nodded, pulling open a drawer. "I knew that was the only reason you were here." Y/N smiled, shrugging as she snatched two lollipops from the drawer. She threw out her drink, popping a sucker into her mouth as she stood. 

"Thanks teach!" 

She waved, leaving the classroom. Rolling down her sleeves, and slowing her walk, she began to get back in character, waving to students she passed. She flashed fake smiles, walking in an excitedly cute way, a bounce in her step.

Eventually the hallway became empty, Y/N letting out a sigh. "How tiring." 

"Yes, how tiring."

↳ [Edited]
this is the last ch for two days,
I'll be on a roadtrip :)

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