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015 ⎯⎯ tying a tie



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Y/N's face turned a bright red, the girl slamming her head against the desk. Her two friends watched her worriedly. 

Mitsuba sighed, puffing out his cheeks. "Don't fall for it, that Teru dude is crazy. Kou told me about him an dhow he tried to kill Hanako."

Y/N ignored this, Shijima patting her shoulder. "It's okay Y/N, I'm sure he means it. Plus dont you like him back? This isn't so bad."

The red on the girl's face began to increase as she thought back to earlier. 

"I couldn't kill you if I wanted to."



Y/N dragged her feet, slowly approaching her locker. She peeked around the corner, seeing nobody she quickly opened her locker door, grabbing her books. 


At the sound of the voice heat rose to the girl's face, her locker slamming shut. "Y/N? Are you ignoring me?" Teru smiled, snaking one of his arms around the girls waist. He grabbed her books taking a step back. 


Slowly Y/N turned finding the blonde standing next to a trash can, her books hanging loosely in his hands over the lid. 

"W-What are you doing!?" Her flustered state disappearing, Y/N marched over to the boy reaching up to try and get her books. 

"Ahaa so you're back to normal." Teru laughed, Y/N gritting her teeth. "Shut up blondie." She jumped in a final attempt to get her book, losing her balance.


Y/N slowly sat up, rubbing her head. "You dumbass, that hurt." She whined, a slight wince coming from Teru.

"You think?"

Slowly Y/N looked down, orbs of blue staring back at her. Teru shifted onto his elbows,  slowly sitting up, Y/N sliding back to sit on his thighs. 

"I'm..sorry." Y/N kept her eyes focused on his collar, noticing his now loose tie. "You need to be more careful." Teru chuckled, a sigh escaping his lips. 

"It's almost like you fell for..."

He trailed off, curiously looking to Y/N. Her eyes were focused on tying his tie, a deep blush covering her face, her eyebrows knit in concentration. 

Finishing, Y/N stood, brushing off her skirt. She grabbed her books, looking down to Teru for a few seconds. 

"Ya'know...I think I wouldn't mind if you wanted to kill me."

With that she turned, starting down the hall.

Teru sat still, a bewildered look in his eyes. "She..." A grin crossed his face and he looked down to his tie.

"can't tie a tie for shit." 

↳ [Unedited]

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