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running a hand through her disheveled hair. Finally, that stupid brat wouldn't leave me alone. This should do it. She hummed to herself as she walked down the halls, smiling satisfactorily. 


Teru groaned, lying his head back over the seat as he gazed to where Y/N was seated on his lap just a few moments ago. "What a tease."


"Did you hear...?"

Y/N glanced at the students staring to her as she walked the halls, her normally flashy smile on her face. It wasn't strange for people to stare at her but somehow this


Aoi ran towards her sister, Nene following behind . The two girls stopped in front of Y/N, Aoi bouncing in excitement. "Is it true!? Tell me!"

Y/N smiled, raising a brow. "Um is what true?"

"That you're dating Minamoto-senpai!!" Nene jumped forward, a grin lighting her face. 

Y/N's face fell, her eyes widening. 

"I-I'm what?"

↳ [Edited]
we're backkk

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