Three Choices.

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Alex raised an eyebrow awaiting a response.

"Then go." The Joker replied simply. Her mouth opened in disbelief, she then held up the cuffs they still shared.

"A little privacy," venom dripped from her words. Who was he to watch her go to the bathroom?

Joker grabbed her wrist, making the cuff dig deeper into her skin. He hastily undid the cuff, throwing Alex's arm at her. Alex quickly turned shutting the bathroom door behind her. Going to the shower she turned the knobs. Only icy cold water spurted out. Rubbing her tender wrist she couldn't remember the last time she had a decent shower. 

Removing the clothes Maroni had given her (which felt like a lifetime ago), she stepped into the cold shower. Hanging her head under the water, she watched the clear water turn to a murky brown. It trickled around her feet disappearing into the darkness of the drain. Alex closed her eyes tight, wishing she could vanish as quickly as the grime did. She scrubbed her body until she felt numb, the only thing reminding her to get out was the freezing water.

Stepping out and turning the shower off, Alex studied herself in the mirror. She never understood how some women could jump out of the shower with wet hair and still look a million bucks. Whenever Alex did, she looked like a drowned rat. At least her hair wasn't sticking together with grime. Her wet hair lay slick to her narrow face.

Sighing, she dried herself with one of the towels left in the room, then putting back on her clothes. They felt even dirtier putting back on after she'd showered. 

When she exited The Joker was still waiting, twirling the cuff around his finger.

"You'no, this gives me ideas." his voice was playful, but the look he gave Alex was anything but. Reaching towards Alex he softly stroked her cheek. That was it. She couldn't take it anymore. Alex wasn't some damsel in distress. 

In one swift movement, Alex grabbed the Joker's wrist. Spinning around him she kicked out his legs, holding him to the ground with his arm twisted behind him. She applied more pressure, waiting for him to shout out. He didn't. Instead, Alex heard a low chuckle.

"Oh Doll Face, you shouldn't have done that." His voice had gone dark. Slowly Joker started to turn around, the pressure on his shoulder increasing. 

"Stop! Or I'll pop your shoulder out!" Alex warned. Joker didn't listen. He kept turning until a sickening pop was heard. Alex's mouth parted in shock. She felt his arm go slack in her hold. He'd just dislocated his shoulder, the amount of force he needed to do that...let alone the mental barrier he had to go through. Alex felt numb. 

She didn't understand. How could someone do that to themselves? Who the fuck is this guy! Her mind was screaming a million things at her. Yet her body didn't register to any. She'd released his arm, backing away slightly.

Joker faced Alex now, his left arm hanging at his side, just swinging there. Alex couldn't look away. Joker then held up a knife in his other hand. His smile grew sadistically. 

"You'no, normally-" he trailed off in thought, "normally, someone would beg, or threaten," he put on an exasperated voice "'You need me! You need me to get that stuff from Maroni! If you hurt me! Yadda-yadda-yadda!" his voice changed back to his high pitch tone, "but you, Mmm" he chuckled, "no, no you didn't do that did ya, huh?" licking his lips he slammed his good arm next to Alex's head, the knife point resting against the side of her temple. Alex tried not to flinch and fixed her eyes on the Jokers.  

"Nooo, you're not normal, are ya? huh? You're full of surprises," He giggled to himself. 

"You're not normal," Alex scoffed back. Joker started to tsk as he brought the knife down to her collarbone. Joker applied slow but firm pressure onto Alex's skin,

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