Introduce a little Anarchy.

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Do you remember the first time you got drunk? 

The agony the morning after, the fuzzy head, the dry mouth and the snippets of memory from the night before?

That's how Alex felt.

Groaning she didn't even bother to open her eyes. Last night had been one hell of a shit fest. Lying on her back she stretched out her limbs, feeling the familiar ache in her wrist and leg from the night. She could hear faint voices not to far from her. Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she glanced around.

Apart from Alex, the room was empty. Curling her fingers into the carpet, she felt her breath hitch. Images started coming back. Without a lick of alcohol involved, Alex felt as though she'd throw up. At least she had survived her second encounter with The Joker. How many people could say they'd done that? 

"I think she's awake." A muffled voice said. The only door to the room swung open. Two burly men entered. Making it feel five times smaller as their bodies occupied the space. Pushing herself up, her options were limited. The only thing that seemed to be in her favor was the closeness. If she was to escape, she'd have to be quick and precise. This wasn't her first time in a situation like this.

The two men wore similar clown masks. Both with white faces, but slightly different designs. One had blue crosses over its eyes and a sloppy red upside down smile. The other had blue circles around the eyes and a few tears coming out of each, a red smile was painted on and a tuff of bright blue hair sprouted from the top of the mask. Happy and Sad clown masks... Alex thought. 

The happy mask man stepped towards her,

"Ah, what's with the-" Alex pointed at the masks, "Is that suppose to intimidate me?" She snorted out a laugh. If anything, these two looked like bigger morons then scary clowns. Both men advanced towards her, quickly holding up her hands she tried to reason with them.

"Hey, look. Another step forward and i'll break your leg," she said pointing at Happy mask, they only scoffed.

"Look toots, we're just takin' ya to the boss." As he reached towards her, she kicked a perfectly aimed shot at his junk. As he doubled in pain, Alex pushed him into the other man. They toppled and Alex made her one shot of getting out. 

Sprinting out into the wall across from her room, she madly looked both ways. Looking for away out. The room was bare of windows, there was only one way to go, towards a light down the end of the corridor. 

Alex took off, towards the light. As she was about to enter, voices echoed from the room, shadows growing larger as they approached her. Looking for somewhere to hide, a door to her left was ajar slightly. Slipping in, she softly closed the door as the voices entered the hallway. 

Letting go the breath she had been holding, Alex ran her hand through her hair. Only stopping when she felt her hair matting into clumps at her crown. Frowning, a memory edged its way into her conciousness. The last thing she remembered was the Jokers boot...


Alex's breath hitched, slowly turning her head to survey the room. 

"Tsk, tsk, hiding from someone are we?" Alex hung her head in defeat. There was no way she'd get out of this. Dropping her hand from the door she turned.

Joker had made a make-shift office. It wasn't fancy. In the middle was a large wooden table, a worn-out desk chair behind, and a laptop. The Joker was leaning against the desk, facing his gun square at her chest. 

"Oh it's all over the bad guy news, he...he's offering a reward for you. Looks like Daddy misses his princess." Alex held The Joker's stare, void of emotion. He was a predator who played on fears, hopefully, Alex could outfox him in that department.

"Ohh, oh, does 'Daddy' trigger you?" His voice held three different octaves as he spoke each time. Alex tried not to wince, but Joker seemed to pick up on every emotion she had. He chuckled.

"Who's offering a reward?" Alex tried to stay focused. Joker got up from the table and sauntered towards her, gun held loosely in his grip. 

"Mmaronni. But the question is why...why does he" Joker stuck the gun under Alex's chin, tilting it up, forcing her to look at him. A playful look danced through his eyes.

"What are you to him?" He asked, pushing her against the door.

"What was I to him; I think that's the question you want to ask." Alex lightly placed her hand against his chest. Like a viper, his free hand grasped her at the wrist tightening his grip, she wondered if he planned to break her wrist. The Joker smacked his lips together, running his tongue over his teeth. 

"I think we might pay dear ol' Marioni a visit. Wadda ya say?" Joker slung his arm around Alex, making her flinch. 

"Oh, tsk tsk, I'm not going to hurt ya. Don't worry Doll face, daddys just getting started." Joker hooted as he referred to himself. Alex felt numb. What in God's name did he have in plan, if he even had a plan. 


((Author note: Hello lovelies!! A shorter update today! Stay tuned for the next chapter, its going to get intense!! What do you think The Joker has planned? Do you think its all planned or is Joker just playing along?? hehehe Love yall!))

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