Batman's here.

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 Staying completely still, Alex hoped to the God's that she wouldn't be noticed. It seemed that her prayers were being answered.

The gangsters rushed inside, Joker following. Once they were out of sight Alex knew this was her only chance. Staggering to her feet, good hand grabbing the bag she went to scurry away.

"Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?" Again, Alex's blood went cold. She was going to get a frost bite at this rate. Looking up at the crumbling entrance, Joker was leaning against the wall, staring at her. His eyes flickered to the duffel bag.

"You...You're trying to-" he couldn't finish before a giggle escaped his life. "Trying to steal from me?" He started to walk towards her. "Trying to steal from ME?" His voice grew louder through the laughs. 

Alex started to back away, ready to run back down the alley adjacent from her. 

"Ah, tut tut tut," The Joker quickly whipped up a pistol. Alex stopped. Shit. This was it. "NO ONE STEALS FROM M-" he didn't get to finish his rant. 

Out of no where a black shadow crashed into The Joker. He flew side wards, into the building. His pistol coming loose and sliding in front of Alex.

The Joker struggled on the ground with the black shadow on top of him. The black shadow punched The Joker in the stomach, getting the upper hand. Alex squinted and studied the black thing. It had to be human for the way it stood. Alex did a double-take. So this was the Batman.

Crazy night already. She thought.

"I'm taking you in, Joker."

 The Joker lifted his finger and shook it at Batman.

"Nu-Ah," he then pointed to his goons exiting the building. Duffel bags in one hand, guns in the other which were faced at Batman. Shots suddenly rang out. Alex couldn't understand the physics behind it, but somehow Batman didn't get hit. The bullets seemed to ricochet off his cape, or he dodged them. Soon, only the clicks of the guns could be heard. 

Batman was soon preoccupied with Joker's goons. A good enough reason for Alex to finally make her escape. Turning her back she started down the alley.

"AGH!" Alex found herself screaming out and falling to the ground, her duffel bag falling from her grip. Searing white pain shot through her calf. Clutching her calf with one hand, she saw crimson start to ooze out. 

"Aww, I missed." The Joker whined as he approached. 

"Shit, oh shit," Alex tried to calm herself and think rationally. The Joker was still stalking up to her, another of his knives in his hand. His nose looked to be broken, no doubt the curtsy of Batman. But the blood running down his face made him look that more terrifying. 

"Pretty poor aim for a man of such stories," Alex grunted back, free hand searching for the duffel bag. 

The Joker laughed at this, "I prefer close encounters," he brought his knife up into view, his grin widening as he saw the horror on her face. Suddenly Alex's features changed, as though she was relieved. Alex wasn't looking at the Joker anymore, but instead behind him.

The Joker slowly looked over his shoulder.

That's all Alex needed. In one painful movement, she rolled over, grabbed the duffel bag, with her momentum sprung to her feet swinging the duffel bag at Joker's head. Target hit. The bag exploded on contact with his head. Money flying in all directions. She didn't wait to see the damage she'd done. She was out of there, safe for another night.

But she couldn't let the eerie feeling of his laughter... His laughter followed her down that alleyway and into the night. It would be the sound that haunted her nightmares. 


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