Story #1: Family Talk

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Kayama: Are you sure we'll find anything while working together?

Kayama walked over to Togami, her two-inch heels clacking on the floors.

Togami: I'm not sure.

Kayama: Well, why don't we start investigating over here? We were told this was where Fujisaki last was; before she was killed, anyways.

Togami: I guess.

Kayama and Togami walked over to their destination. Upon investigation, Kayama thought the conversation was too dry, so she decided to start a new conversation.

Kayama: So, I heard your family owns a million dollar company? C'mon, tell me! It can't be that bad!

Togami: You're correct. But, one wrong move could be a slap in the face to the Togami name. We'd be pushed down from the top tier of power.

Kayama: Well, my mom's a businesswoman. Or, at least she was.

It'd been two years since Kayama's mother, Naomi Kayama had passed away. Somehow, Naomi's daughter, Leah Kayama, had moved on from her death with the help of her friends and her boyfriend at the time.

Togami: Why do you say, "she was"?

Kayama: Oh, long story short- wait, I can't remember.. how she died..

Togami: [gasp] Being honest here, it must've been hard losing a parent.

Kayama: Yeah, but I managed. When I get out of this hellhole of a school, I might stay with friends. But I surely am NOT going back to my adoptive family. I was with them for 10 years, and-

Togami: Okay, I get it now. We haven't made any progress, let's get this over with.

Kayama: Alright.

Kayama and Togami hadn't talked that much before that day, mostly Kayama popped into conversations or talked to him for just a few seconds, mercilessly insulting him. After that conversation, the two seemed a bit more friendly with each other; but not friends quite yet.

lovers (dr1 au, character x oc) / byakuya togamiWhere stories live. Discover now