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The entire weekend I sat in the dark in the corner of my dorm ignoring anyone who came to check on me. I ate not a scrap of food or a cup of water. Draco and I had grown so close it was like we were a part of each other, like our souls were merged, I felt lost without him. All of it would have been so much easier if I knew if he was okay or not. Although part of me was glad he didn't respond if he was okay or not as I wouldn't know what I would do with myself or if I'd be able to control myself to go and find him.

I woke up Monday morning on the ground with puffy eyes and Ginny standing over me, yelling. "Daniella I have had it with you! You've locked yourself in this awfully messy room all weekend and it looks as if you weren't planning to go to class either. And I just know this is because of Draco not being here and you need to get over him already!"

With blurry vision I looked up at Ginny in confusion. "What?"

"Daniella don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Draco not being here is killing you and I refuse to let you stay like this." Ginny took a breath. "Now get down to the Great Hall with me and let's eat breakfast, or if you aren't hungry we can talk about what's going on."

I wanted to burst into tears and tell her how my only comfort was gone. How the only person that made me feel like everything always would have a good ending was gone and I had no idea if he was okay.

"No, we should go eat." I got myself together and put on some makeup to try and conceal the obvious look that I had been crying for two days straight.

As we entered the Great Hall it felt as if every eye was on me. Did everyone really know about how I spent the weekend crying in my dorm? My cheeks turned red and I wanted to go back to my dorm but I knew I needed to eat. I knew I needed to at least try and live like everything was going to be okay without Draco. I decided that despite the fact I was in Slytherin I would sit with Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

I was almost halfway done with my plate of eggs and pancakes when I saw Blaise walking up to me with his usual cold expression on his face. And as always he wasn't alone. He was with his friends, or as Ginny liked to say 'his puppies'. They walked up to us laughing next to Blaise with the complete opposite expression. I pretended as if I didn't see them and continued to talk to Ginny. Although the closer they got to us the harder it became to act like I didn't notice.

"Where's your little boyfriend Daniella? Oh sorry, I mean Ella." Said Blaise as he was passing by me breaking his cold look and erupted into laughter.

Almost everyone sitting near the half of the Gryffindor table I was at was watching me in shock of what Blaise had said. I shot up from my seat and before Blaise could walk any further away from me I pushed his shoulder to get him to turn his front towards me. "You're an asshole." I turned around to leave the Great Hall before I turned back around with a smile growing on my face. "One more thing Blaise, I heard you liked to watch the fireplace at night in the common room. Yeah me too! Isn't it so comforting? Speaking of which, I actually think I have something for you to make your beloved fire watching experience more," I paused, "in person." Just as a confused look took over Blaises expression I heard Ginny nearly choke on her water as she knew exactly what I was about to do. And in an instant I had my wand pointed to the bottom of Blaises robes. "Incendio," I tilted my head slightly while smiling watching his robes and more literally Blaise himself bursting into flames. I said nothing else but left the Great Hall.

I made my way down the halls walking as fast as I could knowing I would be in a heavy amount of trouble if Umbridge caught me. As I made my way to my dorm I thought I saw the silver blonde hair that I had been so desperate to see for so long. I choked on my breath and tears welled in my eyes as I released the unmissable hair. I ran to the corner where I saw the tall platinum blonde haired boy go but saw nothing. I convinced myself it was just my imagination and continued to my dorm.


She walked right past me and guilt filled my stomach seeing the pain in her eyes. But it was for the best, she had to stay safe.

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