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Joel's POV

I'm Joel. I'm 18 years old and I'm bisexual. Well I was bisexual that is until I grew feelings for my best friend. His name is Zabdiel and he's perfect.

We became friends back in 8th grade. It was kind of sad actually. I was in the hallway crying because I had just got news from my mom that my abuelito passed away and Zabdiel just happened to be walking by.

~ Flashback ~

"Are you okay?" He asked walking up to me. "No" I said not picking up my head up from my knees. "Whats wrong?" He asked sitting next to me on the floor. "Why do you care we're not even friends" I said wiping away tears. "Friends or not I can tell you're hurting and you need somebody" He said. "I don't need anybody, just leave me alone" I said.

"Fine I'll leave you alone..." he said. "After you tell me why you're crying and don't tell me "it's nothing" because you're not one to cry so it must be serious" He said. "What do you stalk me or something?" I asked. "No... I've just never seen you cry before..." He said.

"Just tell me, you look like you want to talk about it" He said. "If I tell you will you leave me alone?" I asked. "Uh- yes I'll leave you alone" He said. "Fine" I said.

"My mom just called to tell me my grandfather passed away" I said starting to tear up all over again. "I'm so sorry for your loss" He said looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Were you guys close?" He asked. "Would I be crying my eyes out in a school hallway if we weren't?" I asked. "I didn't mean-" He said. "Yes we were close. He meant everything to me and now he's gone" I said now fully bawling my eyes out again.

"Its okay, you're going to be okay, I promise" He said putting his arms around me to hug me. I wasn't expecting him to hug me so I flinched at his touch.

"I'm so tired of hearing that "you'll be okay" "everything will be fine" NO I WON'T BE OKAY, AND NOTHING'S EVER GOING TO 'BE FINE'." I said.

"I know everything's going to be okay because I too have recently lost a grandparent but it was my grandma. She practically raised me alongside my mother once my father left" He said. "3 months ago today actually, she passed away. I remember locking myself in my room and crying all night through the morning. I didn't go to school for an entire month, and I barely ate anything. I fell apart without her" He said.

"How'd you get through it?" I asked. "I never really 'got through it'. I still think about her every single day and sometimes I shed a couple of tears here and there" he said. "What I did do was find a way to move forward. One day my mom came in my room and talked to me about everything that I was doing and if my grandmother was still alive she wouldn't be happy with the way I was acting" he said. "So I decided I had to get back to normal for her. Everything I do, I do it knowing that she's smiling down on me and she's proud of the choices I'm making" he said. "Did it really work?" I asked. "I don't know you tell me. Do I look like a mess?" He asked. "No, not really" I said with a small smile. "So guess it worked" He said smiling back.

"The bell's about to ring but I'll come find you at the end of the day because I refuse to let you lock yourself in your room and do the same thing I did" He said getting up off the floor. "What're we doing?" I asked. "I guess you'll have to wait and see" He said holding his hand out to help me up.

"Oh by the way, I'm Zabdiel, and you are?" He said with a smile. "Joel" I said smiling back before walking away. "See you later Joel!" He yelled while walking away.

~ End of Flashback ~

At the end of the day he really did come and find me and we went for milkshakes, he taught me how to skateboard, we pretty much did anything you could possibly think of to keep my mind off of my grandpa.

And ever since that day he's always been by my side and I've always been by his. We've been through everything together. Our friendship's even been tested a couple times but no matter what we stayed friends.

The hardest part was when Zabdiel graduated because he's a year older than me, and he moved away to get his own apartment. I thought that was the end of our friendship but he would come and visit every week. He actually didn't move far just a couple of hours away. Sometimes he would even come pick me up from school and we'd spend the day together.

Fast forward to now, I graduated 2 months ago, moved into the same apartment building as Zabdiel, and we're closer than ever.

If I'm being honest I feel like I've always had feelings for Zabdiel since the very first day we met. I mean how could I not? He stopped what he was doing to sit on the floor and cheer up some crying boy he didn't even know.

I really figured out my feelings for him the day he told me he was moving. I seriously cried and begged him not to leave which was quite embarrassing I must say, he didn't think it was embarrassing but I did. He never seems to think anything negative of me and he hates when I say negative things about myself. Just another reason for me to love him.

Fast forward to present day, I'm in his apartment because we're about to go see a movie together. Even though we live literally 2 doors away on the same exact floor, I basically live here. I sleep here most nights too. For some reason it doesn't bother him.

In fact it doesn't bother him so much that when one of his ex-girlfrieds said she thought it was weird that we were that closr, he broke up with her. Yeah that actually happened... He's very, very, VERY overprotective of me and that girl found that out the hard way...

"Hey Joel can you pass me my shirt that's right next to you?" He asked me walking into the living room. "Yeah sure-" I paused once I turned around and saw him standing in front of me wearing only a towel.

(I'm not blind, I know he's not in a towel in this picture but shut up and pretend he is)

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(I'm not blind, I know he's not in a towel in this picture but shut up and pretend he is)

"Are you going to give it to me or are you just going to drool over me?" He joked. "Oh uh, here you go" I said quickly giving him the shirt. "You're so cute when you get all flustered" He said before walking away to get changed.

I'm almost 100% sure he knows I have a crush on him and he just doesn't address it, especially when he makes little 'jokes' like that.


I just couldn't resist making a book about my two wittle babies :,). My main ship is Joerick but there's also a very special place in my heart for jobdiel and oreo :). But yeah that's the first chapter hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to see where this story goes :)<3.

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