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Erick's POV

"Funny story actually..." I said. "What 'funny story' starts with "I'm so sorry"? What did you do THIS TIME??" He said.

"You see, um... I don't think I should tell you, you might try to murder me" I said. "I'm not giving you a choice, tell me right NOW" He said.

"Before I do, I just want you to know that I didn't do it on purpose" I said.

"So let's say hypothetically, I accidently told Zabdiel about you and Chris NOT KNOWING that he didn't know Chris was into guys OR the fact that you two were dating" I said. "ERICK" He yelled. "WHAT?! HE ASKED WHY I DIDN'T KNOW YOU GUYS WERE DATING AND I TOLD HIM IT'S BECAUSE WE WEREN'T TALKING" I said.

"Well guess what, now we're not talking again" He said.

"Okay you know what? No. I'm not going to put this all on myself. YES, I did out Chris BUT YOU KNOW IF I KNEW ZABDIEL DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT HIM I WOULDN'T HAVE SAID ANYTHING" I said.

"Also, Zabdiel is your boyfriend now and you didn't think it would be a smart idea to tell him that you and his best friend used to fuck?!?" I said. "The only reason that you should've kept that a secret would be if you still have feelings for Chris" I said. "You're the one always telling me how relationships don't work IF YOU LIE and you LIED RIGHT TO HIS FACE" I said.

"So yeah, I shouldn't have said anything, YOU SHOULD'VE" I said.

"And um you can be mad at me and never talk to me again all you want because now I don't care. Thank you so much for making me see how much of a dick you really are. Have fun fixing your relationship" I said before walking away.

Joel's POV

That didn't just happen... Did that just happen? No... How did he go from admitting his feelings to me to hating me within the same hour?

And of course, the only person I'm left with is Chris... I have to talk to him even if I don't want to because even though Erick already outted him I still have to ask him about telling Zabdiel.

Lucky for me he was already at my door.

"Chris what're you doing here?" I asked. "So Erick just told me what happened..." He said. "You don't seem mad" I said. "Well I had to tell Zabdiel sooner or later especially now that you two are together" He said.

"But how are you not mad?" I asked. "I know Erick would never do something to hurt me INTENTIONALLY so I know he didn't know that what he was saying was wrong" He said. "And he seemed pretty mad at himself enough so I didn't want to add to that and make him feel worse" He said. "You know he didn't do that on purpose right? I mean I see how it looks but you and I both know he's not like that" He said.

Now I feel like shit. It is true, Erick's harmless he just doesn't know when to shut up sometimes. Well most of the time. He also wasn't entirely wrong, I should've told Zabdiel.

"So where's Zabdiel?" He asked. "I don't exactly know, he just walked away" I said. "Here's a thought, why don't you call him?" He said. "If you really think he's going to answer the phone for me, you're wrong" I said. "Oh not for you, for me" He said. "He DEFINITELY won't answer for you" I said. "Really?" He said.

• Phone Call •

Z: Chris what do you want?

C: The chance to explain
Joel loves you and only you. Yes It's true, we did have something before but that's in the past and the reason he didn't tell you was because he didn't want to out me

Z: Well it wouldn't be outting you if you would've told me you were into guys in the first place

C: Best friend or not, telling somebody you're into guys when you're not even sure yourself, is hard and you didn't even tell me that you and Joel were a thing so I guess we're even. Oh and don't worry Joel's all yours all you have to do is come over here and let him apologize and make things right

Z: I hate it when you're right, I'm on my way

C: Good, and next time before you storm off like a baby throwing a temper tantrum, try talking to him first

Z: Yeah, yeah I know

• Call Ended •

"There you go" He said. "You just better have a great apology prepared for him" He said. "AND Erick. I don't what you said to him but I've never seen him so angry so you should probably say something, but you can do that tomorrow because right now you need to fix things with your boyfriend" He said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're actually not as bad a person as I make you seem like, Thank you" I said. "Oh my gosh, did you just say something nice to me??? There's a first time for everything" He joked.

"I'm going to go make sure Erick is not either crying his eyes out or throwing everything around our apartment so good luck with Zabdiel but I'm sure you'll be fine" He said.

"One day I really do hope that we can be friends but I'm just not ready for that yet so bye for now" He said before walking away.


"So I heard you had something to say to me?" Said Zabdiel as he walked into the apartment. "Yes, I'm so so sorry for not telling you the truth" I said running into his arms. "I'm sorry for not giving you the chance to explain" He said kissing my forehead.

"You're mine now, and that's all that matters to me" he said. "I'll admit, it was a little weird hearing that you and Chris were together but who wouldn't want to be with you?" He said.


JOBDIEL FOR THE WINNNNN :D. I think there's only gonna be one more chapter after this one because I have an idea for the ending but if I think of something else that'll change so don't hold me to it :). Hope you enjoyed this chapter teehee♡

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