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Chris's POV

When I walked into our apartment I couldn't seem to find him.

"Erick?" I called out. "Erick are you in here??" I called out once more.

Then I saw him sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

"Erick? Are you okay?" I asked sitting next to him. "Why do I mess everything up?" He asked with tear filled eyes. "That's not true" I said.

"Yes it is and you know it" he said. "I almost ruined Joel and Zabdiel's relationship and I ruined my friendship with Joel" He said now fully crying. "Zabdiel and Joel will be okay and so will your friendship with Joel. You didn't do anything wrong" I said.

"Well you did out me and temporarily ruin their relationship" I laughed. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" I said. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Everybody makes mistakes you just tend to make more of them" I joked. "I'm not sure if that was supposed to make me laugh or cry more" He laughed.

"Aww look you're smiling" I said. "Shut up" He said blushing. "No really, I like when you smile" I said. "It's cute" I said. "Oh really? You think it's cute?" He said. "The cutest" I said.

"You know that saying where people say 'you were too busy chasing after somebody who doesn't feel the same and missed what was right in front of you'?" He said. "Yeah...why?" I said.

"Because you're right in front of me" He said before leaning in to kiss me. "That was cute" I said. "You think everything I do is cute" He said. "True" I said before kissing him again.

"Can you just sit here and kiss me a little longer?" He said sitting on my lap. "Anything for you" I said.


Joel's POV

I was just about to go over to Chris and Erick's apartment but when I opened the front door I saw them walking towards me holding hands...

"Zabdi look" I whispered hitting his shoulder and pointing at them. "What, what are we looking at... oh now that's random" He said. "Eh, it was bound to happen sooner or later" I said.

"So what's this?" I asked walking up to them. "Erick's mine now" Said Chris kissing Erick. "Aww" Said Zabdiel.

"We were just coming over to tell you guys" Said Erick. "I was actually just coming over to your apartment to apologize for... well being me" I said. "I'm sorry" I said. "I guess I forgive you" He said. "Because clearly you can't live without me" He joked.

"Ha...ha. Very funny" I said. "But also kind of true, I can't live without my best friend" I said hugging him.

"Hey I have an idea" Said Zabdiel. "That's never good..." Said Chris. "Why don't the four of us go on a double date?" He said. "First good idea you've ever had" Said Chris.

Chris grabbed Erick's hand and Zabdi grabbed mine and we all walked out of the apartment with smiles on our faces.

♡♡♡♡♡The End♡♡♡♡♡


*sobs* This book has finally come to an end *ugly cries* I really liked this one and I hope you did too :,). I'm actually pretty happy about the ending bc no one was left all sad and heartbroken. Before I go tho, I have something to say...

can we just have a moment of silence for Richard...

he's the only one who wasn't in this story at all but I STILL LOVE HIM SO DON'T EVEN TRY THINKING ANYTHING ELSE :).

Hope you enjoyed this book and yeah that's it :). If you have any request for another book feel free to comment. LOVE YOUU<3

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