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Joel's POV

I think I should say something. I know that everything he does is just because we're best friends, but whenever he does things like last night, I just end up falling deeper in love with him.

It's like I'm under a spell or something, but at the same time, he did cuddle me until I fell asleep, and then fall asleep next to me AND then wake up before me just so he could make me breakfast so he's not making it very easy for me to not fall for him...

"What are we doing today?" I asked. "I don't want to do anything, can we just lay here?" He groaned. "I wish" I said.

"What's on your mind? Ever since you got up, you seemed upset" He said. "There you go again seeing right through me" I joked.

"It's my dad... He's coming to visit today and I just always seems to say the wrong things around him" I said. "Then I'll stay here for moral support" He said with a smile patting my leg.

"One more thing..." I said. "What?" He asked. "He doesn't know I'm gay..." I said. "WHAT??" He said blown away.

"Joel you've been gay your entire life, how does he not know..." He said. "Oh maybe it's because he's against the whole gay thing and refuses to see the signs that his very own son is gay" I said. "But regardless, today I want to tell him" I said. "But I'm afraid he won't believe me unless he sees me with a boyfriend or something" I said.

"Do I get to be your pretend boyfriend?" He asked smirking at me. "Zab- No" I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Uhhh" I said. "Joel pleaseee, I don't have anything better to do today" He said. "Fine" I said.


• Later That Day •

"OMG, OMG ZABDI HE'S ON HIS WAY, HE'S ALMOST HERE. I'M SOOO SCARED WHAT AM I GOING TO SAY, WHAT AM I-" I said running around the apartment panicking.

"JOEL" he said. "Breathe" He said putting his hands on my shoulders. "BUT-" I said. "Shhhh" He said putting his finger on my lips. "Relax" He said in a soft whisper. "I'm right here with you" He said.

Why does he have to be so...HIM. UGH. I hate this so much.


Narrator's POV

A few more minutes of anxiously waiting went by and the doorbell finally rang.

"Before you answer that, calm down, you'll be fine and if you're not, I'm always here" Said Zabdiel. "I know that was supposed to help but it just made me worry more" Said Joel.

Joel slowly rose from the kitchen counter and made his way to the door.

Once he got to the door he took a deep breath before turning the knob.

"He- hey dad" He said inviting his father in. "Hola niño" His father responded.

Joel decided it would best if he waited until later to break the news to his father because he was sure he wasn't going to take it the right way and he wanted to enjoy his time with his father before it all went downhill.


"Dad, there's something I need to tell you and you're not going to like it but you still need to know..." He said trembling with nerves. "Okay... que pasó?" Asked his father.

Zabdiel rushed to his best friend's side seeing how terrified he was.

"I'm... I'm gay" He said. "What? I don't believe you" Said his father. "Why would I lie about something like that??" Said Joel. "I just don't believe it" He said.

"Trust me, Joel's gay" Said Zabdiel joining the conversation. "And how do you know that?" He asked. "Because, I'm his boyfriend" Said Zabdiel.

Joel's POV

He did not just say that... He really went through with it.

"Really?" Said my dad. "Yes really" Said Zabdiel. "Kiss me" He whispered in my ear. "I don't think we should-" I whispered back.

Yup he kissed me. Once his lips were on mine I couldn't control myself, I found myself begging for more and I kept trying to deepen the kiss.

Surprisingly he let it happen and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and put his hand around my waist.

I slowly pulled away remembering  my dad was still standing there.

"Did we really just-" He whispered. "You started it" I laughed.

"I can't believe this" Said my dad. "No son of mine is gay" He said walking out the door.

"Are you okay Joel?" He asked. "I guess so. I mean I knew he wasn't going to accept it, I just wanted him to finally know the truth and now he does" I said. "But apart of you still hoped he would accept you, didn't it?" He said.

"It's okay you don't need his acceptance when you have all of mine" He said tickling me. "You're right, I'm happy the way I am and that's what matters" I said. "Exactly. Now let's go do something to cheer you up and put a smile on that cute little face" He said putting his arm around me.


TOO MUCH CUTENESS IN ONE CHAPTER I CAN'T HANDLE IT. This might just be the first chapter I've written where something didn't go terribly wrong and ruin somebody's happiness. Wow. I'm gonna go take a shower at 1am now so byeeee :)<3.

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