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Joel's POV

"Joel just tell him, stop being a scaredy cat" Said my best friend Erick. "I'm not being a scaredy cat, I just know that the only thing that's going to bring is an awkward tension between us BECAUSE HE'S STRAIGHT" I said.

"Yeah well that's never stopped you before" He said. "Don't even-" I said. "Chris was straight and look how that turned out" He said. "Erick, shut up..." I said getting angry.

"I never thought one day I'd come home and hear him screaming your name" He said. "ERICK SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled. "Somebody's angry" he said. "BECAUSE YOU WON'T SHUT UP" I yelled. "Are you angry enough to go tell Zabdiel how you feel?" He asked smiling at me. "NO" I said. "Then clearly I haven't done my job correctly, and I should continue" He said.

"You know what else I heard him screaming that day? I think it was something like-" He said. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I said. "No, it wasn't that" he said. "It was more like: J-joel, f-ff-fAsTeRrRr" He moaned. "THAT'S IT, YOU'RE LEAVING" I said while pushing him out the front door.

"What ever happened between you two? CLEARLY you had chemistry" He said. "BYE" I said closing the door on his face. "You can't get rid of me that easily" He said from the other side of the door.

...I should probably explain that right? So Chris is Erick's best friend/roommate. He's also friends with Zabdiel which is how I was introduced to him. For one of Zabdiel's birthdays he had a party with a bunch of his closest friends and obviously I was there and so was Chris so he introduced us. We didn't necessarily become friends after that, I guess you could say we were acquaintances?

When we met Chris was very, very, very, very, very much straight. Did I already say very?

He was the guy that every girl wanted and he wanted every girl. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, I just remember one day Chris came over to hang out with Zabdi but he wasn't here so Chris decided to wait for him.

Bad idea...

I decided to make small talk because we were just sitting there in silence and you could imagine how weird it was.

Well, small talk turned into sharing our life stories and that got really deep and emotional. I felt bad for the guy, he had a really shitty life.

I tend to care too much sometimes because what started as me hugging him because I felt bad, turned into him kissing me... if only I'd just kept my mouth shut.

Obviously that wasn't the last time that happened. He wasn't my boyfriend or anything we we're just messing around for a little while you know?

That all ended when we were at his and Erick's apartment while Erick was SUPPPOSED to be with friends but ended up coming home early and you know the rest...

I don't know what Chris was, gay, bi, or whatever all I know is that he wasn't out so when Erick saw- heard- WITNESSED that, he freaked and never talked to me again.

Which is really funny actually because since the four of us are all friends, we hang out a lot together and he always tries to avoid me and I always try to bother him and get his attention.

What makes that even more hilarious is that Erick knows that there was something between us so he just sits there laughing and enjoying the show, but Zabdi has no idea about any of that so he's always extra confused about what's going on.

What...? Dont act so surprised, I never said I was a saint.


TEAAAAAAAA. *sips water* I was just arguing with someone earlier saying my fanfics aren't even that sexual and then I proceeded to write this... I can't even defend myself anymore... HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTERRRR TEEHEE HAVE A GOOD DAY/AFTERNOON/NIGHT ;)!! MUAH<3

(Also you can't tell me that song doesn't fit perfectly ;) )

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