* first day of being gay

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oh also they're all 18 here so no worries

narrators pov

clay packed his bag, the bag was filled with clothes. there are some important notes in it too. he put it everything he needs. " guess that's all?.. " he chrcked everything one last time. yes, everything is checked.

It was getting late. " ahh.. i'm tired, i clearly forgot what i did today. " Clay said as rain fell from a dark sky outside his room.

Clay dropped his weak body and lay down at his bed. It was cold so he tuck himself in a comfy blanket.

... Next day

Clay was so ready. He woke up a bit too early. He goes downstairs and ate the food his mother made. " are you excited for today? " dream's mother said, also known as puffy- said. clay, also known as dream- nodded happily.

he showered and wore a sage turtle neck because he sort of hate the breeze in the morning. and a cargo pants with a black mask. ( so do i dream.. so do i.. )


clay parents sent dream where busses stop there to pick up kids that came for school camp and more like that. dream came here to go to the school camp.

" goodbye father, mother. " he waved a goodbye towards his small family as they left right away. clay then walked to the bus, he was confuse which bus but as he get in-

a random kid with a brown hair colour, blue sweater with a collar came up and tried to hit on him, the kid was flirty but clay didn't bother to flirt back. he sat at the middle sit and sat behind the window. " what's your name? " the kid asked as clay said his name. clay was weird out by his behaviour, he was trying to sit closely next to dream which made dream uncomfortable and creep out.

" i'm george. pleasure to meet you. " george said and grinned towards clay. clay annoyingly rolled his eyes and glare at george one last time.

" hm.. are you here for the uh... sex camp? " george mumbled in embarrassment as dream froze and looked at george. " cam- what. " dream were shocked and surprised. his emotions can't really tell. " guess you didn't.. "

" OF COURSE I DIDN'T ! ¡ " dream yelled. " hush, you're being too loud. " george said. everyone were looking at him but dream never really cared.

" i'm not. i'm just surprised i magically got into a literal fictional ao3 fanfic. " 

- a/n

i rewrite this and guess what

shit sucks

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