sapwastaken - special 6K reads and new year

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how r u?<3

tysm for 6K reads oml ♡

btw here is the extra draft i kept for days :D

btw happy new year <3

this chapter is a side story where dream isnt in the camp. he finished cleaning then by sudden, sapnap came, injured. oh and its also a new year to this story.

this is gonna be a little wholesome and my writing skills are getting bad. i lost my technique. HELP

so please forgive me if there is any mistakes !

i'm not gonna post a new chapter yet so please be patient for another one--


***dreams pov***

whew, im sweating. the rats were everywhere when i was cleaning. rats shits everywhere. i hate my house. i sat down on my sofa then the door slam open. it was sapnap. sapnap was injured. " sapnap-? SAPNAP gosh what the fuck happen!? " i ran to him, not trying to be like my mum, but im worried. his leg was injured, his arm, his clothing looked a bit ripped. " A DOG. DOG ATTACK ! " sapnap cried out, who is now tearing up. dream grabs a grocery bag from sapnaps hand and put it down a table. " dogs are kind of wild at night, be more careful. " dream said, staring at the scars that the dog made.

" look sapnap, im not your mother so why not you just sit down and i'll bandage those injured body part of yours. okay? " i said, trying to calm myself down. " okay dream, ily " sapnap said, its normal to me since he kept doing that these days. well i have to kept doing that to him too. " ilyt, sapnap " i mumbled. " what was that "

" I HATE YOU. SAPNAP. " i hit sapnap. why did i do that. " OW WHAT THE FUCK DREAM " sapnap yelled.

sapnaps pov

how is he so calm about this? like-- boy 💔🔫. i did what he told me to do, i lay my body down at the sofa. i honestly like this sofa. its nice. " i'm glad i have a med kit, or you'll be dead by now tbh " he came back to me with a med kit on his hand. " dreammm youre so nice omg " i whined, just wanting his attention more than before. " dream are we boyfriends? " what a weird question to ask. why did i ask him that? now im nervous what the hell. " why did you ask that? " dream said, whose face now turning a bit red.

" i love you dream. i really do. "

" you what-? " dream stare at me. omg why did i let that out. we both stayed silent then dream spoke up.

narrators pov

" okay bandage it by yourself " as dream stands up, sapnap grabs dreams hand and pull dream closer to him. Sapnap then " your hands injured or " dream said. " sApnap-- wait-- " dream was getting red because sapnap was pulling dreams much closer than before. Then by sudden, sapnap puts dream onto his lap.

" fucking...-- bastard. " dream muttered under his breath. "youre the only one who can heal me. " sapnap puts his hand under dreams tee. " WOAH WOAH IM NOT UP FOR SEX SAPNAP " dream yelled, his voice echoed through the room. Ig?

" who said i'm gonna make out with you, horny boy? " sapnap smirks. sapnaps fingers were long that it could even reach for the blonds prostate. " no. stop-- " dream laughs nervously. " and how can i heal you? " dream asks, still on sapnaps lap.

" heal me with your true love, if it doesnt heal. this thing needs to be inside you. " sapnap points on his hardened cock. dream got silent and stare at sapnaps hard cock.

dream : the boy was too stunned to speak.

" i don't agree to this. heal yourself with ice. " dream was struggling to get off sapnaps lap. unfortunately, sapnaps hands was gripping on dreams body tightly. " dream, say you love me first and i'll let you go " sapnap whispered to dreams ear. " ah... i could feel him breathing down my neck. " dream thought silently, he gulp. " i LOVE you. now let me go! " dream moved a bit, when he was moving nor struggling on sapnaps lap. he could feel the black haired boy's cock getting harder everytime he does a movement.

" thats a rude way dreamy! i hate it. " sapnap pout and well-- dream sigh and calm himself down for a moment. " i love you sapnap. " dream said then felt something weird. " what the fuck are you doing? sto-- ah fuck. " dream curses and let out a slight moan. sapnap was playing with dreams nipples.

" i never seen such lewd and erotic face on an innocent boy tbh. " sapnap was smirking while enjoying the blond's facial expression right now. then for a few moments, sapnap was trying to take off dreams pants and boxers. " wha- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU BASTARD DONT EVER THINK YOU CAN DO THAT " dream furiously yelled and hit sapnap multiple times. " i love you dream. i really do. " sapnap smiles, not knowing that the other boy was also smiling at him. " ilyt " dream said as he hugs sapnap tightly. "

" sapnap, look outside. " dream said and stare at the starry night on their big window. " fireworks with a heart pattern. what time is it? " sapnap said, looking at a clock that was hanged on the wall. " you should get some rest, arent you injured? " dream got off from sapnaps lap. sapnap lay down while dream bandage some of it. " it's 12:00pm. its new year. " new year is happening. i'm glad. now we can start a new life. " sapnap smiled.

" lets get you heal. "

- end



its just a special chapter:)

its not happy new year yet but i'll still say it <3

good bai :3

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