* drunk homeless teletubby

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i wish they put the lip bite emoji


narrators pov

after a few moments, dream and quackity finally finished arguing over jenga. " hah, done arguing? then let us continue with the game. " george spoke, then wilbur speak up. " how about we drink for a bit? "

" sure, that makes it much fun. hey dream, how about you try it? " sapnap said, grabbing a bottle then chugs it in instant. " mmm.... sure i guess? " dream grabs a bottle nervously, he knew this was a bad idea.

dreams pov

once i picked a bottle, i knew. i would get drunk. i saw someone did this one and had a bad luck instead. but im a lucky child, arent i? this could be the time for me to have a bad luck. But hey, i knew something is gonna happen.

when i was ready, i started to drink the beer. gosh that was sort of strong. " how is it dream? " sapnap asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. " i don't really think i could handle this st- " i couldnt finished the whole sentence as i was feeling this dizziness. oh no, i guess i really couldnt handle a single drip of an alcohol. " dream you good? " i feel like vomiting..

sapnaps pov

i see.. hes about to be drunk, isnt that great? i can see hes sweating. how about a little hold on the hand?

while hes drunk, i'll just hold his hand. oh my god his hands so warm i felt like i could literally hold it on christmas in front of the fireplace. " sapnap. the alcohol, its way too stro-ng. " he hiccuped, trying to act as if he was sober.

" hey green boy, you can sleep if you want. i'll accompany you. plus its almost 11pm. " oh no is he activating his aggressive side?

" hey wilbur, since you knew dream that much... how does his aggressive side look like? " i whispered to wilbur who was now staring at dream. " kind of creepy i guess? but seriously. his aggressive side is terrifying. i once teased him, he got mad and literally fucking punched me on the face. that was few years ago. now, he rarely got mad to anyone hah. " wilbur whispered back. but then by sudden, dream started to lean over to my ear.

" turn on the air conditioner, fuck. " dream whispered, annoyed. i turned my head towards dream and stare..


" nope. " i whispered back. " im fuckinggg sweatingggg " dream tiredly said.  " dream, youre not being yourself. are you really drunk? " i asked. " i'm obviously not, sap. " hey guys, i think i should get inside a room with dream for a 'moment'." i said to all of them. i grab dreams hand and took him inside a room. " dream you better rest. "  " no no, i'm good sapnap. is the game still up? " dream smiled towards me.

i love his smile. its nice. " hey, i will allow you to go there but don't blame me if something happens. " hes drunk. is he? this is great. hah. after we had a short conversation, we came out and sit at our usual spot. " nice, lets proceed the game! " george smiled, knowing what dare should he do.

narrators pov

" dream, truth or d-- " " dare. " dream said, in a low tone. " i dare you to--." before he could finish his sentence, dreams phone were ringing. Then a call happened. the green eyed boy started to stand up and went inside a room. the blond start to realizing it was his dad.

- calling. bold for dream, the simpsons (lmao) is underline and italic for the dreams father.

" yes, father? "

" how is it there? are you good-- "

" yEss!! I aMmmM hMmmm Mmn gOODD! "

" ah dream.. you sound... nervous and suspicious. "

" sUuSs? NOO- WAIT YES IM NERVOUS hahah.. its because theuhhhhh... GIRLS! YES GIRLS ARE SURROUNDED BY ME ! YES GIRLS.. "

" girls? dream, you sure are famous.  "

" yEss aNd--



" clay whos that is tha-- "

- dream hang up and walk outside awkwardly. ( dreams a little sober so-- )

" okay, what was the dare? "

" kiss one of us in here. "


SORRY YALL I REALLY COULDNT FINISHED THIS 2022 IS COMING AND SCHOOLS ALSO COMING 😭 its bad, i was rushing 〒_〒 i hope you liked it anyways.

im tired i just slept at 5am (︶︹︺)

aight goodbye and hope you have a nice, special day :3

the fact idk why this one is WEIRD.

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