* baking with full of love <3

987 21 34

happy late april fools

i dont have friends to contact with or do a prank to pull on and plus i hate pranks

contains :

J E A L O U S Y  A G A I N

karlwastaken <3

FLUFF because im having a bad ass day

half smoot

angy sapitus 😹👎


im gay indeed


karl and dream wear an apron and went to the kitchen. They grabbed all of the supplies for baking and put it down on a counter. " what are we actually baking, dream? " karl asked, too excited.

" B O D I E S. "

" nah jk we're gonna make cookies :D " dream said, grabbing a bag of flour, eggs, vanilla extract and other ingredients. ( whatever thats called and i dont know my moms recipe lol )

" how many flavors are we doing again? " karl asked, scratching the back of his neck. " hm.. i haven't thought of that. We could make matcha, cookies n' cream, classic or other flavors as long as we have the ingredients ! "

" let's make a classic one but with different colours! " karl said as dream agrees with the idea. " i don't know anything about baking so- " karl took an egg and crack it open as the egg yulk goes in the mixing tool.

" put two to three eggs only, karl. " dream said, pouring the flour inside the mixing tool. Then vanilla extract. Then other ingredients. " lets mixy mix ! " karl said, clapping his hands. " shut up, karl. " sapnap said, who surprisingly was watching them the whole time at those stairs.

" what the fuck-? " karl got surprised and confused... didn't he went to hangout with quackity? " go away, sapnap. Unless you want to watch us having a moment~ " karl teased which makes sapnap's blood boil. Sapnap angrily went upstairs with aggressive footsteps.

" uh weird. " dream said and focus back at mixing the dough.

- few minutes after

the dough was finally made. It was soft and stretchable. " alright.. what colour should it be ? " dream asked karl, who decided to go with the colour of his shirt. " karl... if you mix dozens of colours, it'll be black nor grey. Not those colourful one. " dream hold karl's hands. that was- wholesome?? yet so random.

" OH MY LAWD " karl thought as he didn't want to let go, his cheeks started to heat up. " now let's just go with lime colour. And then we'll make a blob of you and me. " dream said, smiling. " that will be a great decoration ! " karl said happily and smiled back. They wrapped the dough in a baking plastic and put it in the freezer.

- few minutes later

They took out the dough and started to make tiny circles and put it down on a tray with baking paper on top of it. They decorated it and put it down inside an oven.

" sooo.. What should we do now? " karl said, awkwardly blushing. Both boys were staring at eachother intensely.

(karl's thoughts)

omg were both alone

shouldn't go on with those dirty jokes

haha now how are you suppose to bake with him karl

bake his body


kiss him thats what you want right

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