* dreamnap s£x

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im sorry for bad grammar

and sorry if there is some mistakes

oh yeah im also a big dreamnap fan so 🌚

- v5.1

sapnaps pov

i went to carry the boxes to 'our' room. bitch of course. well theres a cute boy. CUTE HOT ATTRACTIVE PERSON

hes cute

no hes just so adorable

23 mins past ( ehh ig?? )

i'm exhausted. not until i saw clay, i got my energy back. " hi clay. " i waved. he waved back but stayed silent. i ran to him.

dreams pov

oh what the fuc

" hey clay, when? " he smirk. FUXKING GAY BITCH < ( literally my conversation with my sister ngl )

" when what? " i was completely curious. he let out a sigh and grab my hand harshly. " sex. "...




" sex? " he grinned. almost look creepy. " oh did you hear that? " there was some sound, like footsteps i guess?

i nodded. " sounds like..footsteps? " sapnap take a look around. Nobody. " more like your virginity flying away " sapnap joked.

" lets just go. ". " wait. i'm not ready yet. we just met! " he ignored me and wouldnt let go off my hand.

" isn't this a sex camp? i can have sex with anyone that i don't even know that much. " ay? AY? is this a camping? MORE LIKE A FUCKING SUFFERING PLACE FOR MY ASS

" dw, i'll be gentle. " he said. i rly dont understand what he meant by ' being gentle '. " wha?t? i don't understand. "

sapnaps pov


but he will not be an innocent anymore after this. psst, i really want to make him drunk for the first time, so he can flirt, sex or seduce me if his mind is not under control. if he refused, i will not force him. maybe he's uncomf? BUT NOW HES TOO UNCOMFORTABLE BUT YHHHH I'LL TEACH HIM BESTI

i bet this is his first time. he didn't even knew what i meant by being gentle. but today, i'm gonna be gentle for real.

" oh green boy, you'll understand after this. " i smirked at him. i can see hes blushing under that blondie hair of his. " how about we go at another room? bathroom maybe had too many people if we did it in public. " i casually asked him, he nodded.


we arrived at a private room since its ' sex camp ' of course. it has many different kind of rooms actually, but i took dream into a comfy bedroom which have free silly costumes in the drawer.

" hey, is this your first time or " fuck, thats obv. ITS HIS FUCKING FIRST TIME. he nodded.

" tie your front and back hair please, so its easier for me to stare at your face. " ngl hes attractive. his long hair. wow. mullet daddy huh.

a/n : reminds me of the edit of quackity saying " DID YOU JUST CALL ME MULLET DADDY?! WHAT THE FUCK "

as he tied his front hair. gosh his face is beautiful. i can now finally see his fully face. he was a freckled boy, green eyes, small scars on his face too. " hi " clay says randomly bcs i was too focus on his beautiful face.

" took of your clothing. " he immediately stare at me. " wha-t? " he was nervous. " arent we gonna have sex for your first time " gosh this is awkward, having sex with someone i dont know. he gulp and took of his clothes. well so do i. wow. WOW.

hes confirm a bottom, he got a little too pale skin, he had ABS OKAY. HMMMMMMM INTERESTING... WAIT HE GOT NO BOXERS

sapnap got his simp mode on 😦

" youre sexy " clay blushed immediately. i can tell he ' hates ' being praised.

" please tell me to stop if it hurts. " i kindly asked him bcs i dont liked to see him hurt if i slam my dick until he passes out.

" sure..? " he was so unsure about this.

narrators pov

dream lay on the bed, shivering due to the air conditioner. " are you okay with this? "

" do i have your consent, dream? "

" gosh fuck, stop worrying sick. " dream annoyingly said and covers himself with his hands while sapnap put on the condom. " okay then, i'm gonna put it in. " sapnap said as he spread dreams leg. " dont blame me if my dick's too big for you " sapnap laughed, well dream rolled his eyes while his face getting redder.

sapnap now tried to tease dream by grinding his dick against dreams ass. ( IDK FORGIVE ME IF ITS WRONG ) which made dream shivers. " g-gosh.. stop teasing and just fucking put it in.~ " dream strokes his hair while the other hand is on sapnaps shoulder.

sapnap started to put it inside and thrust slower since its the blond's first time. dream hold back his moans bcs it was awkward? ( SCREW IT I KEPT CALLING HIM DREAM )

but unfortunately, dream moaned quietly but still. sapnap could hear it. " heh, how adorable ! " sapnap smiled and chuckled.

" shut up. " dream covers his face in embarrassment. sapnap started to thrust a bit faster. " sapitus, do you mind if i cALllL you tHaT?~ " dream moaned through his sentence. ( ig? )

"sapitus? humm.. of course, clay. " sapnap was smirking through that hot moan of dreams.

" then, shall i call you dreamy boy? btw george told me that your display name is dream so~? " sapnap grinned. dream nodded, not wanting to cause a simple moan out from his mouth.

" fuck sapnap-! " dream moaned in a low tone which is attractive for sapnap to hear. it was more than a music. his ears was blessed. hah.

" shh... it'll be alright. " sapnap said, hiding the truth that he wanted more, but gladly he was calm and patient. " sapitus.. it hurts, but heck, it felt good. " dream moaned in pleasure. he moaned as quiet as he can so nobody can hear that. except for sapnap. and only him. " d-do you want me to stop?! " sapnap said, stopping his movements and hugs dream. dream shook his head and told sapnap to continue. sapnap nodded, but goes as slowly as he could.


sapnap now thrust faster but its a bit slower so dreams ass doesnt fucking rip into ruined papers. " dreamie, gosh. how are you existing right now and looking so lewd? " sapnap groaned.

" i don't know, depends on how my family looOoOks~ " dream moaned and came. boy, so did sapnap.

dream was so breathless. " so..-- did t-this all satisfy you yet? " dream said, resting on the bed. " not yet, dreamy. " sapnap smiled.

" look, i'm not a fucking bottom at all. i'm also not that fucking ass sweet and soft. " dream annoyingly said and went inside the bathroom, flushed.

" wAiTtT--- LETS HANG OUT LATERR WITH GEORGE :D " sapnap excitedly said. dream nodded. his legs was sore.

he later took a nice, warm bath. as you can see, sapnap actually joined too! dw they dont do dirty things after that 🤨

not yet 🌚

( 😳 )

" are you okay after the sex? " sapnap worried. dream nodded. " can i kiss you? " sapnap casually asked. " ...n- " before dream could complete his sentence , sapnap kissed him.

dream was blushing but dream still enjoy the warm kiss. " we've only met but does several stuffs that couples do. " sapnap laughed.

" gosh never have i ever in my life met the most wholesome person. "

oh heck, it gets worse for dreams ass.

a/n ; idk about this one


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