* another day, another gay increase

860 35 12


kind of short cuz i want to sleep omg and my eyes are burning 😔 

dream's pov

i woke up, seeing karl staring at me. i got surprised and back off in an instant speed. He also got surprised. " dream :( " karl said, with pleading eyes. " w-what. " i said, covering my body with a blanket.

" let's go bake together! " karl said happily. i sigh in relief. " sure. i think. but i need to make my breskfast first. " i said, a bit quiet. karl stand up and walk out of the room happily.

why is he acting like sap-


don't tell me...

i have a fucking curse.

then a ding on my phone rang.

admins are attractive 🍻



sapnap : bro stfu its you

you : sapnap you should stop its obvious already

sapnap : yeah lol

sapnap : are you excited for another round ;))))))

you : yk im not selling my body to anyone

wilbur : lol k

sapnap : lame.

george : AKKSD

karl : got reject lol 💀✋

quackity : dweam

you : shut your fucking mouth wtf 🙁

sapnap : also dream check the bag, its near the mirror then send a pic on this group

you : aight


i close my phone and searched for the bag. And holy fuck its gigantic. i grab the bag and opened the zip. It's...

a maid outfit.

hell. but i didnt care, i just took off my clothing and wore the maid outfit.


you :

you :

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