* a new crush

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dreams pov

we arrived at the hostel and i got out of the bus in embarrassment. I was given a key. My arrival caused many attention from the people.

" wow, hes attractive. "

" why's he have a mask on anyways? "

" i think i had the chance to hit on him. "

I was afraid. Afraid of being gossiped at. " so Clay, since we got keys now.... What's your dorm number? " he asked, smiling at me. " 069. " i said. " heh.. '69'. " he smirked. " shut up " i slapped him and get inside the room.


I found the dorm and as i got in, there were a male. Sitting there. He noticed me and waved a hand. " hey " he said, i flinched because the awkward silence were there. " hello. " i stuttered well because he looks fucking scary.

" CLAYYYYYYYYY- " george's voice were getting clearer, and clearer.. He bump into me, gladly i kicked him. FOR SELF DEFENSE.

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