Chapter 6: Alberu's mental crisis

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Chapter 6

Alberu's POV

"Do you like it here? What about this part hyung?"


'Just what is this development?'


"Shall we take a bath together, your highness?"

'Did my eyes and ears got so bad? If not, then this must be a dream or else, Cale putting his hands on someone and saying those enticing ridiculous words should never happen.

Faced with silence, Cale removed his hands and moved towards the bath, "I'll wait for you at the tub your highness." He said without turning around.

Ever since Alberu was born, he was meant to be King. He was raised to always be logical even in the most nerve-racking situations. However, like a moth drawn to a flame, Alberu, despite having trained all his life not to be swayed by temptations couldn't stop his feet from following the back of his red-haired commander. But thinking about it deeply, it's fine, because it's Cale after all. The guy always makes him do things he never thought he'll do.

This thinking led to this scenario that will definitely go down to history books if known. The soon-to-be King of the Roan Kingdom was being scrubbed by none other than the Hero of the Western Continent. Both naked.

"Do you like it here? What about this part hyung?"


Alberu's rationality seems to always disappear when he's in the presence of his Dongsaeng, because in no circumstance will he allow someone to scrub and touch his body freely unless it's his trusted servants that has been serving him when he was still a baby, especially a grown naked man at that. Though he can't see Cale's body because Cale is behind him and they're both facing the same direction, the mere thought he's with a naked Cale is driving him, yes, crazy.

It doesn't feel nice, the light touches of his Dongsaeng doesn't feel good, at least he never will admit even if it was. He can't really think of a reply because it'll be extremely weird if he replied with a, "yeah I like it, keep doing that." So, he just let Cale be.

Though his logic goes down the drain with Cale, he can still act like he's totally unaffected by the heat produced by Cale's magical touches. Alberu never felt so relieved to have a spotless poker face, unlike a mentor of his.

But Cale as usual, knows exactly how to crumble down Alberu's defenses. Cale's hand that was previously roaming in his chest that's already testing Alberu's restraint, dangerously slipped lower down to his abdomen. Suddenly, something snapped in Alberu's brain. It felt so pleasurable, strange, he had to let out a sound

"Aaah....Cale" and man he wished Cale was deaf.

Alberu couldn't lie to himself any longer. He likes the touch, Is he too pent up these days? Probably. Is he attracted to Cale? No? Is this just because of his immediate physical needs? Perhaps. He's too deep in the pleasure of Cale's pleasant touch to think about anything. He just knows one thing at this very moment. He wants the pleasure to continue.

So he asks, he'll deal with the potential wedge that might be formed between them personally and professionally later, Cale started it anyways.

He was about to ask, was about to. But Cale already retreated his hand and when Alberu turned around, Cale was already in a towel.

"See ya, your highness. Let's do it again sometimes"

And just like that Cale is gone, and damn Alberu can only pity those who've gone against Cale.

"Is this what it feels to be scammed?" He says that but he can't stop the smirk that involuntary formed up his face.

"You're really driving me crazy."

"Haaa, I need more soap."

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