Chapter 8: Little Sh!t

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Chapter 8

Cale had to let out a heavy sigh. What's in front of him is a mentally deranged and disabled man with literal 'bomb limbs' that seems to think Cale is a God.

Aren't male leads supposed to be really capable, WTF is this? --- and then an idea hit him.

"Haa..haa.hahahahah wait, it's's okay" His limbs are bombs so that means I don't have to touch a lot, is the thought that made Cale feel relieved.

"Hey sealed God?"


"You said a target will die when he doesn't reach 100% right?"

"It's as you say."

"Then I'll just touch him once, then let him die"

Cale stepped forward, crouched down and tilted Clopeh's chin

"Hmmm... so where do you want me to touch you first?" Cale has no intention to save Clopeh nor does he pity him. But Cale isn't such a bad guy, so that's the only consideration he'll give. To choose where he'll be touched by Cale before eventually dying.

If only Cale's thoughts are the same as a certain someone's interpretation. Then a major problem that completely changed Cale's progress in the game could've been prevented. Alas, that's a story for next time.



"Ugh, you're making me regret this", Cale had to focus all his energy just to stay in the same cell with such psycho.

As for Clopeh, though the disgust is blatantly apparent in Cale's face, doesn't seem to mind, contrary, he seems to love it.

"T-Then, t-touch me h-here, C-cale-nim!" Because all his limbs though unusable, are securely tied in his chair, he kept on bowing down his head and pouting his mouth, it was an extremely weird sight for any normal and not normal people. At first glance, he seems to be imitating a dancing chicken, but for Cale, who has great intellect, he understood that Clopeh is using his lips to point at something.

Though Cale refuses to believe that Clopeh is pointing to where Cale thinks he's pointing. Cale's eyes subconsciously scanned the area Clopeh is pointing at, seeing that Cale got it right, Clopeh tilted his head more and pouted more enthusiastically.

"This little sh!t", Cale had to let it out. Because out of all the places to start with, Clopeh was undeniably pointing as his nipple. 

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