Chapter 22: Person of Interest (2)

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A/n: So been a year or two after ive read this HAAHAHAHAHAH im sorry, my writing skills dwindled as well, but my love for writing just forces me to come back.

Chapter 22

A lively day dawned upon the kingdom. The noisy chatters, the wild roarings of the soldiers, and the yapping children, all echoed in a single place, and yet for once, not one was displeased.

Perhaps, because it was a celebration to honor friendly relations with the newly-allied nations, but everyone present, be it the noblest or the selected common people to go inside the palace was waiting for a specific individual to show up, excitement so high, that it can only be contained by having fun and socializing, even more so for certain people.

The Rowan Kingdom indeed was blessed by the highest Gods of them all, for the real star of the ball has finally made his presence known. Those familiar with his aura, the strongest of the land, and those with keen senses directed their gazes on the front door, a second earlier than the Herald, who heard a knock signaling the last entry of the ball before the royal family.

Jacob, he Herald felt terrified, he was so nervous he felt his heart seem to escape his chest, and yet he mustered up the courage to utter the most important name he would ever utter in his life. With a shaking voice, let out the loudest sound to ever come from his throat.

"The Hero of the continent, the savior of the kingdom, Commander Cale Henituse has arrived!!"

And in an instant, attention so intense concentrated on the opening door, so much that Jacob had to take a couple of steps back to breathe properly. For some it was the slowest moment they have seen in their lives, for others, it was too fast to be prepared enough for what was to come.

Rixen's POV

'What in the hell is that?' Rixen had to pinch himself more than a couple of times. Stupefied and in awe, Rixen couldn't help but stare at that person, or is it even a person, he thought to himself. Rixen grew up in the Elven Kingdom where otherworldly beauty is the norm, but what he saw wasn't just otherworldly, it was imaginary, a kind he had never seen.

'But there's just no way he's real, there's just no way, I have to check it closely' his doubts turned into determination ashe couldn't stop his feet from going near the beauty, not that he even tried.

Choi Han's POV

"Wow" it doesn't matter how many times he's seen him, or how many moments they've shared, he can't have enough of his liege, he knows it, and he also knows that everyone is thinking the same thing.

'He's even more beautiful after changing' Choi Han recalled how prior to entering the ball, an old man he remembered as the crown prince's close servant approached Cale to deliver an important message, turns out the crown prince gave Cale a new attire. Choi Han momentarily felt sad that he and Cale now don't match clothes, but seeing him in a layered white mesh suit with gold linings across the arms and a silver crown atop his head was all worth it.

Choi Han remembered his days on the battlefield, with so many aiming for his liege, he was prepared for a bloody fight, filled with determination to gain victory once again, this time not for the Rowan Kingdom, but for himself.

Rankid's POV

He was bewildered and confused, where was the strong guy who eliminated those who stood against his kingdom? 'That's the strongest guy here? how could that be?' Rankid scanned the commander from head to toe. Scrawny, petite, thin, pale, and very beautiful, too beautiful if he says so himself, but not strong, definitely not.

'Did he win all battles by seducing his enemies?'

For the first time in his life, Rankid was interested in something other than fighting, thus he walked proudly towards his person of interest.


Ayoo enjoyyy

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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