Chapter 15: Love Rivals (3)

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The door opened and a weak voice rang out.

"Y-young m-master?" A barely audible sound escaped the lips of a man with a bandaged arm, waist and had minor cuts all over his body.

A sight that Cale isn't used to, especially Beacrox because the cook is the exact opposite of weak.

Cale moved towards the side of Beacrox's bed as swiftly as he can.

Cale has a rough idea of what happened. Beacrox stabbed Choi Han that made him retaliate?

But that just wouldn't explain why Beacrox would be beaten up this much.

Cale also wants to identify the reason why Beacrox did such a thing, but he just couldn't make himself to ask seeing Beacrox's condition. He'll ask once he heals, definitely.

While Cale is in deep thought, perhaps feeling guilty, Choi Han kneeled once again, this time on one knee, and held Cale's hand.

"I'm truly sorry Cale-nim, I went overboard and didn't realize it was him" 'because I sensed murderous intent' Choi Han didn't include the last part.

'It'll be too much to handle for Cale-nim, besides what's important right now is that I'm holding his hand, Kyaaaah! I will not wash my hands for a week because I'm his knight'

The Gloomy puppy kneeling just a second ago suddenly became cheerful.


A notification-like sound was heard. And a screen similar to what appeared before emerged in front of him.

-Congratulations! Dear Player

You have accomplished your very first progress-

Followed by the love meter reappearing atop Choi Han's head.

From the 0% it turned to 29% and turned again to 34%.

'I guess the 29% is his initial affection level for me huh, but a 5% increase? from touching my hand?'

"Hehehehehe" Cale had to let out a laugh, 'this might be very easy for me' he thought.

Confused about why his liege was laughing, Choi Han spoke "Cale-nim?"

Cale then ruffled Choi Han by the hair gently and muttered, " It's okay Choi Han, I don't blame you"

Choi Han couldn't help but feel very happy and slightly embarrassed. 'I guess this is what knights feel when they're praised by their masters'



'Ha the power this body holds'

"*Cough cough cough*"

A sound that came from Beacrox interrupted the lovely moment of the knight the liege, (in Choi Han-s perspective)

the sudden sound worried Cale, and quickly tended to Beacrox, thus letting go of Choi Han.

"Beacrox? hey what's wrong"

"Young Masteeer"

"Yes? I'm Here"

"My head" Beacrox frowned, severe pain very much evident

"Okay, I'll get a healer" Cale was about to rush out when Beacrox's supposedly injured arm grabbed him.

The force of the pull was too much for such a frail body of Cale that he lost balance and 'unintentionally' landed atop Beacrox's body.

Worried that he'll injure Beacrox even more, Cale tried to get up

But Beacrox knew exactly what he was doing.

He hugged Cale's body with one arm and whispered "Stay like this, please"

And an injured person should get what he wants right?, Cale just let him be.

Beacrox sneakily and slyly smirked at Choi Han, whose face bears an unfamiliar glare.

Alas, Cale remains unaware.


a/n: Unbetad, sorry for typos/misspellings/grammar errors/

Happy reading! 

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