Chapter 16 - Farah

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This chapter is dedicated to nathee18tr, for suggesting Aishwaraya Rai Bachchan (picture to the side or above) to be cast as Farah. I'm looking forward to your suggestions for the rest of the cast! In the meantime enjoy this little filler chapter!


Meanwhile back in Montana….

     I just got back after spending all day at the hospital with David and his family. His parents are awesome. They were so nice and even though Rachel, his mother, was still recuperating from her heart attack, she took the time to get to know me. They questioned me about my brother, to be sure Caroline, who was like a daughter to them, was in good hands. I reassured them that my brother was head over heels in love with Caroline and that they didn’t have to worry. Everyone at the palace had accepted her and seemed to love her and hopefully they would get to meet him and my parents soon, once Rachel feels better. Mothers tend to worry despite countless reasurances until they see it with their own eyes. So I knew that it won’t be long til they were on their way to Jamil as well.

         I was thinking about Caroline and Tariq all day. I hope that they will be happy together, despite starting their relationship off, by keeping things from each other. I know honesty is vital to every relationship, but I was hopeful that since they both have 'lied' to each other by omission, they could overcome this little misstep and would look forward to a happy future together. I know deep down that my brother loves Caroline with all his heart, but he can be stubborn sometimes, especially when it comes to admitting his feelings. Well and Caroline, she is so in love, she won’t be able to deny it. She is a devoted mother to Sarai, will be a great mother to her unborn child, and she’d probably hand my brother her heart over on a silver platter if he asked.  I hope she was strong enough to take him on. He needs someone to ground him and I have a feeling that he has found a match in Caroline. She will be a great Sheika.

      I was sitting in the kitchen lost in these thoughts, when David came back from getting groceries. I must have been so occupied that I didn’t hear him enter, and when he dropped the bags on the counter in front of me, the loud noise scared me so much that I let out a frightening scream. Talk about embarassement. David raced around the counter immediately, to find out what made me scream, thinking I must have seen something frightening, but once he realized that it was him who made me scream, he started laughing histerically.

      “ you always scream like that when someone startles you? Didn’t you hear me open the door? Where were you off in your beautiful head that I scared you this bad?” He asked me. He stepped  closer towards me, brushing back my hair while asking and looked me deep in the eyes. I didn’t know what to say, I could feel myself blushing. I couldn’t hold his penetrative gaze and I squirmed, trying to get away from him to calm myself down.

      He didn’t just make me blush due to the embarassement. No, everytime I was close to him I could feel my body heat up and I didn’t know why I reacted like this. I was surrounded by good looking men all the time, but why couldn’t I feel normal around him?  I didn’t know why this man got under my skin but I know that I needed to avoid him at all cost. Nothing good could come from that unknown attraction and this weird feeling in my stomach. I think that I will throw up soon, if this fluttering doesn’t stop. I never felt like this. Ever.

       I hoped his sister, Sam, would come home soon. Trying to avoid a person in such a small house, especially being used to a huge palace, was not an easy task. At the palace you could probably walk around for days and not meet a single person, if you knew the right paths. It was nice but sometimes getting lost like that made me feel lonely. I needed Sam as a buffer to keep David and his intensity away from me. Ever since he showed me to my room the other night, he felt the need to be extra close to me. We had a great conversation that night but I wasn't used to so much male attention.

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