Chapter 9 - Desert Fantasy

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        This time he was already waiting for me…He took me to the stables were he already had two beautiful horses saddled up. Our plan was to ride the horses out and camp at a nearby Oasis and would return tomorrow. I still feet bad leaving Sarai alone now that she finally belonged to me. But I know she is in good hands and I have a surprise for her when I get back.

      Being out here in the desert made me think about my dad. I wished I could have shared this experience with him. Horseback riding through the desert. It was breathtaking. Tariq waited for me to catch up. “What’s on your mind? I can tell you thinking about something?” he asked. “Oh nothing really I’m just missing my father. I wish he could have been here with me.” I told him honestly. “Can he not come over here to visit, I’m sure the royal family won’t mind it.” He suggested. I smiled at him thinking it weird how he said “royal family” as if he was hiding something. I’m sure it was nothing bad.  He was always so considerate. “I wish, but my Father died a few years ago. I’ve basically been an orphan since I was 18. If it wasn’t for my best friend Sam and her family, I wouldn’t even be here today myself.” I opened up to him. I never told anyone about the dark time that followed my father’s death. The reason why I had to leave Montana. But I felt comfortable with him. Maybe one day I could open up to him.

        “I’m sorry about your father. I’m fortunate to still have both of my parents so I can’t imagine your loss. What about your mother. You said you were basically an orphan. Why?” he asked genuinely interested to know more about me.

      “I don’t know my mother. She abandoned me and my father when I was two. He never really talked about her and I don’t need her. If she wanted to be in my life, she knew all this time where to find me. We lived in the same house until my father’s death.” I told him.

       “She doesn’t deserve you. It’s her loss.” Tariq stated. He seemed to be angry with my mother for abandoning me. That added him some more points in my book. I grabbed his hand since we weren’t moving right now.

      “Don’t get upset on my behalf. I got over my mother a long time ago. But I still miss my Dad every day. It wasn’t his time yet to leave me. But is the way it is.” I hoped this would soothe him.

       “How did your father die, may I ask?” I had to take in a deep breath. It was still hard for me to talk about this horrible day.                                                                                                                                       

      “It was an accident. He..he was on his way to a meeting. It was a foggy November day and the roads were slick with wet leaves…..” I went on to tell him about it. I retold everything in a trance to stay unattached to the story. I didn’t want to cry in front of Tariq. I didn’t like pity. We had resumed riding again while I told him about my father’s death and my life with the Reed family that I didn’t even realize that we had reached our destination already. Tariq helped me off my horse and enveloped me in a tight hug.

      “You are a very strong woman. I’m sure your father would be so proud of you for what you have accomplished” Tariq whispered into my ear. Surprisingly, these few words gave me more comfort and soothed my soul. No one ever calmed me down as fast as Tariq. This man had himself rooted deep in my heart already.  He gave me comfort and encouraged me with only two short sentences but at the same time he started up my heart which was beating erratically. I could feel myself warm up even more than I thought possible in this heat. And I knew he was right, my Daddy would be really proud and he must have sent Tariq my way to show me.

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