Chapter 10 - Desert Storm (1)

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        I could feel him releasing his hot spurts inside me branding me from the inside. He rolled off me and lay beside me. I still couldn’t believe how fast I gave myself to Tariq. No man ever caught my eye and now I lost my virginity to him after just knowing him for three days. I felt embarrassed and tried to grab one of the blankets to cover myself but Tariq stopped me before I could reach it. “Don’t hide. I’m sorry that I couldn’t resist you. I wanted to take it slow but your beauty has me so entranced. You must have cast a spell upon me, my angel” Tariq said. He took the blanket and covered us both. He snuggled up to me so that my head was on his chest and our legs intertwined. He kissed me on the head while he confessed “I know it’s soon but you have to know that I usually don’t do this. You have captivated me body and soul and I think I fell for you. I just can’t imagine being without you”. I didn’t know how to respond. Yes he captivated me too, otherwise we wouldn’t be here but I still felt unsure, especially since I neglected to tell him about Sarai. Would he still want me once he finds out? I had to tell him and soon. As I drifted off into a contempt sleep in Tariq’s arms, I made a plan to confront him head on by simply introducing him to Sarai once we got back to the palace. He could never be mad with me once he sees her.

      Tariq woke me several times that night. The first time I woke up, when he was sliding into me. I was still a bit tender but once he kissed me the slight pain was forgotten. Pretty soon we were moving in sync. It was different this time. He took me with hard but slow thrusts. Slowly driving me insane, until I started begging. “Please Tariq, move faster” I cried out moving my legs around his waist while pushing him deep inside me with my feet.

      I was insatiable, but so was he. Complying with my wish he sped up and took us over the edge once again. The second time I woke up due to my impending orgasm. Since we fell asleep the time before while he was still in me, he didn’t have to slide in. He just had to start moving…and OH did he move. It was the longest most sensual dance ever. I couldn’t believe how perfect everything felt at this moment, how right.


        When I woke up the next morning I tried not to move so I wouldn’t wake Caroline. She was beautiful even in her sleep. In her subconscious state, she snuggled even closer to me and was now lying all the way on top of me. I was already hard, insatiable even though I took her two more times last night. No wonder she was still out cold. I must have exhausted her. I could feel my member stirring already. Her lips were still swollen and plumb and I could see a few love bites I gave her from the angle I could look at her. My member grew even harder once Caroline started moving, rubbing right against my hardened member. She gave off slight moans while waking up and I knew I had to have her again. But I also knew that she had to be sore. I rolled her off me, picked her up and walked to the pool with her. The water was warmer than the outside since the temperature dropped a lot at night out here. Caroline had slung her arms around my neck and was staring at me while I lowered us into the now warm pool. She sighed once she was fully in the water and looked up into my eyes. I could see the love in them. “Good morning sweetheart.” I said and kissed her. She reciprocated and after we separated our mouths answered “Morning” back.

“I need to have you again, you aroused me giving off your little moans when you woke up and moving your delightful butt against my d!ck certainly didn’t help the issue. But I know that you must be sore.”

“You’re insatiable” she answered with a grin. Her pupils were dilated all the way so I knew she was as horny as me. I dragged my hand to her entrance and checked for swelling. “It might hurt a little so let me know” I said as I started fingering her. I wanted to stretch her a little before I entered her again.

      We made love for a fourth time that morning and it was as spectacular as all the times before. In fact, it seemed to get better every time. Caroline’s confidence regarding her body seemed to grow as well since she was flaunting and parading her naked body in front of me. After our bath, we both got dressed since we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves when naked. And we both needed a break!

        My phone which was still in my pants pocket started vibrating while I was stocking up on firewood to boil us some coffee. I went to retrieve it to answer and picked up without checking who ws calling. I knew only Farah would call me and only if she needed me desperately. So there had to be an emergency....


A/N: As you can tell from the title, there's gonna be a part 2. I haven't finished this chapter yet but wanted you all to have someting to read while you're waiting. Therefore the split. It's not much I know but hopefully part 2 will be up tomorrow. Thanks so much for reading and voting! xx

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