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Gbazango, Abuja, Nigeria.
Friday 23rd February, 2018.

Nana Asma'u had been crying since she woke up. What did she ever do to deserve what was happening to her?

After Ayyuba had left, Hansatu had stalked into her female children's room and beaten the living daylights out of Nana Asma'u. She then told her that Nuhu's uncles were coming to do the sa rana, Hansatu wanted the wedding to happen as soon as possible, hence, the rush.

Food was being prepared and the house was being cleaned. At exactly 2pm, Nana Asma'u along with her two sisters Nana Saudah and Nana Ummu Salmah were sent out of the house to go to their aunt's house in Federal Housing.

"Nana, get up and leave right now. I don't want to see you in this house again." Hansatu thundered when she saw Nana Asma'u slowly folding her clothes.

Nana Asma'u rose her head lifelessly and looked at her mother. When her brain registered what her mother had said. She stood up, slipped on her cream Hijab and walked out of the room. Nana Ummu Salmah saw Nana Asma'u walking towards the door so she bid her aunt farewell and rushed after the latter.

"Adda Asmee wait up." Nana Asma'u stood still where she was.

"Aunty Haule said we should wait for Saudah." Nana Asma'u didn't say anything in reply. Few minutes later, Nana Saudah came rushing with a milk bag and her glasses in hand.

"Aunty Haule gave the keys to the house because Saajida and Sayyada won't be home, they went to school and won't be back till probably 4pm. Mama also gave us transport fare." Nana Ummu Salmah collected the money Nana Saudah was holding making the latter pout.

The three sisters walked to the junction and Nana Ummu Salmah hailed a tricycle for them. After twenty minutes, they arrived at federal housing, the area where their aunt, Haule lived.

Nana Saudah inserted the key in its hole and twisted it, a click sound was heard. She pushed open the door and they got in.

Back at Gbazango, Haule was talking to Hansatu.

"Yaya, you need to understand this, what if Yaya Ayyuba calls them, what do we do?" Hansatu sneered.

"What is your problem? I've told you countless times, I have everything under control. Now go and check on the food, they should be here any minute now." Haule nodded and hurried off to the kitchen.

Hauwa, Haule's twin rushed inside.

"Since Ya Ayyuba won't be here, who would be here for her?" Hansatu smirked. She was waiting for that one question.

"Her paternal uncles, and me." Hauwa nodded and asked when they were coming. Hansatu said they were already in the area, they were just waiting for everything to be in place before they made their entrance.

Almost an hour later, Nuhu's paternal uncles, together with Nuhu himself, and Nana Asma'u's paternal uncles were sitting in Hansatu'a parlor.

"So, when will the wedding take place?" Hansatu looked at one of Nana Asma'u's paternal uncles, Imran and nodded at him. He smiled at Nuhu's uncles.

"In three weeks time, if that's okay with you." Hearty congratulations were exchanged and the bride price, a token of seventy thousand naira, was paid. The goron tambaya and goron sa rana, sweets, chewing gums and kudin uwa which was a token of fifty thousand naira, was given and the two parties ate to their heart's content.

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