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Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.
Saturday 31st March, 2018.

The Muhammad Umar mansion was bustling with activities. People who were able to make it from Abuja and beyond were all present getting prepared for the first event of the wedding of the only daughter of Hon. Muhammad Umar Jalingo, the classical Muslimah herself. People who knew they wouldn't be able to attend her other events had already gotten their invitations as it was based invite only.

Eesh was glowing, her chocolate skin shimmering due to the torturous daily beauty sessions. Her teeth that were rice colored were shimmering in the overly bright lighting of her room as they had turned pearl white. No, it wasn't whitening. It was just part of the body treatment session. Even her brown hair had turned two shades darker and looked like it had been slightly tinted with black, and it was softer and silkier than before. It even looked fuller and was now a little bit past her shoulders.

Her lashes looked longer and her once carved eyebrows were looking a bit bushy. She looked so beautiful that one look at her and one would know she was the bride.

"The event planner said the place has been organized, people should start arriving in two hours but the food is not there yet. There's hold up in Mararaba. What should we do?" Ikram said after she had muted the call, her phone still in her hand with a pinched expression on her face.

"Isn't she the event planner? She's supposed to know everything that she's supposed to do." Ruqayyah said as she called the two makeup artists and they said they were trying to get past the security.

"Where's Ibrahim? He needs to go and fetch the makeup crew from the gate. The security is refusing to let them in because they don't recognize them among the list they were given. Why didn't Abba include the makeup crew again?" Ruqayya asked no one in particular before she walked out frustratedly. Their male cousins weren't doing their jobs and there was no time.

"Eesh, someone wants to talk to you." Airah passed the phone and Eesh collected the phone.

"Erm, Eesh I don't know where to go from Asokoro mall." Someone said from the other side and Eesh squealed. The other occupants of the room all turned and looked at her skeptically.

"I didn't think you'd make it." Eesh said and Aqeela made a questioning look to Uwani who in turn shrugged. She wasn't inside Eesh's brain so how could they expect her to know everything that went on in that weird head of hers?

"Well I'm going to make it. I took Hidaya to Ammi's and so Habeebee is bringing me. He's been grumbling since because I can't remember the way to your house. He hates not knowing the way, something about security. But that's not the reason though, he said you were stealing me from him on the one Saturday the Vila had given him off." Eesh heard someone grumble that he'd leave her there if she didn't hurry up. She heard another feminine voice say shut up.

"I'll send a cousin of mine to come and direct you. Expect a black Peugeot 206 in the next few minutes." The person said an okay and Eesh asked which car they were in.

"It's a cyan G-wagon and we're right in front of the mall." Eesh said an okay and cut the call.

"Amrah, ask sani to take you to Asokoro mall. My guests are there and they don't know where to go next." Amrah groaned.

"Why Sani? Why not Ibrahim or Deen?" Eesh narrowed her eyes at Amrah.

"Will you go or should I make Sani your chauffeur for the rest of the week?" Amrah stomped her feet on the floor and turned, her silk gown twirling in the process.

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