Split chapters

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Author: I know that it has been a very long time but im finally done!
Fizz: I was starting to think that you forgotten about us...
Author: i didnt forget about everyone! But anyways in this chapter there will be split chapters they both have there own titles, and they are called Victories Bloodlust and The Wilted Rose. Im going to start with Victories Bloodlust!

Victories Bloodlust (If you don't Surrender)

No ones Pov:

Your flames engilfed your body slowly transforming you "Fizzarolli.... LeT HuSk Go.." "Are you going to surrender...Y/n?" "I Will Never SuReNdEr!" Fizz's claws dug into Husks throat causing Husk to quikly bleed out "Alright Y/n your choice...". The sight of Husk bleeding out caused you to be overwhelmed with anger and hatred. Your flames moved away from your body revealing your wings made entirly of black hellfire and a floating crown of flames.

Meanwhile with Charlie and Lucyifer pov:

"Charlie I dont understand why did'nt you come to my park?" "Dad Alastor was with me and i know how much you both dislike each other, I did'nt want any fights to happen to in any way but it seems...* sees you engulfing yourself with flames* Y/N!!!" "Relax Charlie your friend is--*sees the flames and sees the crown above your head* Charlie call your Mother..." "But Dad-" "Nevermind... I forgot she was in the car"

No ones pov:

Lucyifer ran over to the car and opens car door to see Lillith on her hellphone. "Yes honey?" "Lillith my sweet wife what did you do?!" "With what dear?" "Why is there a sinner with the crown of black flames?!" "Well dear I bestowed the powers of the Phoenix on to a sinner that had no control over her life; that had no power to do what she wanted to do life." "Lillith my sweet wife are you telling me you did this all because you wanted to?!" " Yes dear why are you questioning me?" Lucyifer grabs Lillith's hand and gets her out of the car and shows her why. "Oh dear... I'd hate to be the one that angerd her.." "Why Mom?" "She is about to use Overlord's wrath...She is going to end up killing everyone inside the park..."

Alastor and Vox's pov:

"What is going on over there?" " How in the hell am I supposed to know?!" "Well i figured since your connected to the picture show I thought you would know." "It does'nt work like that!" "Well thats rather unfortunite...how about we stop our little fight for now and go see what kind of entertainment is going on over there.." "hmm as much as i would like to join you and finish our fight i have more important matters to attend to unlike you Radio Demon." "Well I guess we will finish this later old chap."
When Alastor arrives he sees Husk bleeding out and runs to his aid " Well old friend what happend to you? Don't worry I'll fix you up..."

No ones pov:

Y/n's quikly pushed her flames away with so much force that everything and almost everyone was on fire, Fizz managed to jump onto a metal rollar coaster track avoiding your attack completely " Y/n!! Your hurting poor innocent imp children!!" "So what Stolas?! I want to be free to do whatever i want to do!!" "STOP THIS INSTANT!" Stola's power of darkness surrounded your body knocking you out instantly.

End of Victories Bloodlust

The Wilted Rose ( if you surrender)

" So Y/n... Surrender or your overgrown cat friend dies..." 'My freedom or Husk dies...and i know if im sneaky enough I can get out of this damn park later, but I need to make sure my friends need to be safe so i can escape later...' "You know what Fizz? I'm tired of fighting I surrender..." "W-Well now thats more like it. Now get down here so I can make sure your okay and show you how much i love and care about you." 'Ugh Why did this robot decide to give his heart to me? wait a minute Robots dont have hearts or a soul for that matter so how?' " Fiz I thought robots like yourself don't have feelings or emothions?" "True but there are a few of my kind that was made to develope emotions and feelings, we were made with a soul incorporated into our motherboards but its a long story. I'll tell you more after our Honeymoon~" 'I need to by sometime and get more information about where his mother board is located at' "Fizz I honestly would love to hear this now before we as a relationship go any further.." "I understand that, no secrets between us sounds fair to me ok when I was created my old creator incorporated the soul of love into my motherboard. That caused me to have a nack for making fun of others but thats who I am. When i make fun of others its my way of saying I care.." ' Oh this might not be so bad then' " But I do love to destroy some peoples dreams when they hurt the people i care about.. I do know that you like me as a friend but i honestly want more... I want your heart, your love, everything! I love every single thing that I know about you and I'm willing to do anything I can to get you to feel the same about me... I don't care how many people I hurt in the process, I just want you..." 'Damnit I need to find a weakness to stop him... seems like I need to continue with being with him until I can figure this out.' " Ok Fizz I surrender and give all of my heart to you as long as you don't hurt any of friends including Husk..." "But Y/n!!" "HA seems like Y/n's all mine you overgrown feline!You lost, I won~! Y/n's heart is mine! I can finally have a family of my own with a women that I can call my queen FOREVER!!!"

Author: phew i hope everyone enjoys these split chapters just let me know in the comments which one you all want me to use to continue this story!
Fizz: is it ok if i can vote to?
Author: no fizz only the readers can vote which one they like.
Fizz: oh damn...

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