Chapter 1: Whats going on here?!

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Y/n felt like she was still falling but when she opened her eyes " HOLY BALLS IM STILL FALLING!!" But she realized something, she was falling into a messed up version of the amusement park she was at. When she hit the ground she immediately got up and asked a random imp looking person. " Please sir tell me, where am I?!" "Well toots your in Loo Loo Land! By the way sweetheart I seen you fall be careful who you talk to like that.. it could get you killed here, I'm not entirely sure you noticed but your a type of demon that is worth a shit ton of money.." you happened to notice this imp looking person was pulling out his knife getting ready to do something bad to you. " Okay my bad dude no reason to pull a knife out on me jeez..."

Y/n walked to the nearest restroom and looked into the mirror.." Oh fuck..." you weren't a human anymore you became an Owl demon ( yes you did some research on demons and there variety of forms and rank). "At least I'm still wearing my f/c hoodie and black ripped jeans." ' well since I'm here I should have a look around this place...'. When you stepped out of the restroom, you seen two other owl demons but one of them was wearing a apple hat that had a face on it, you also noticed that there were three imps with them.

The young female owl demon had spotted you and alerted her father ' Shit I've been spotted hopefully they won't kill me since I look like them...' " Ma'am are you lost?" 'Try to act like normal y/n' " Yes sir and to be honest I--" " Bitch nobody's honest he-" "Blitz shut up an let the girl talk!" "Moxxie he's our boss!" " Millie he can't even pay us because of that damn billboard he bought last week!" 'These imps have some problems' " But anyways sir I just fell from I guess you would call it the 'mortal realm' and I have absolutely no idea why I fell here..."
"Oh my, sweet girl since you're new here, we will take care of you until you get on your feet." ' For an owl demon this guy is nicer than I thought' " um dad don't you think you should introduce yourself?" "Your right Octavia! My name is Stolas and I'm one of the princes of hell, this is my daughter Octavia and those imps over there are Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie. What's your name?" " My name is Y/n and it's nice to meet you all" " What a splendid name me, Octavia and Blitz are going to see the 'Fizzarolli and Friends' show would you like to join us?" You heard Blitz and Octavia say " I hate that fucking clown..." ' I'm sure a clown isn't that bad' " sure Stolas."

[Time skip after the show.. sorry me a little lazy]

You couldn't believe that the clown Fizzarolli was an animatronic it kinda reminded you about the game called 'Five nights at Freddy's', your thoughts were interrupted by a gun shot. An imp that had a knife to Stolas was shot by Blitz " Good shot Blitzy~" Octavia yelled that she couldn't take it anymore of her father ' is Stolas gay he looks like a guy that wouldn't hit on a imp' Stolas chased after Octavia and left me with Blitz and fizzarolli.. as we were about to go after them the animatronic spoke " is that Blitzo my senser spots up there? I guess the kiddies are still runnin away from you huh? Haha!" " I can see why he hates you now.." 'oops did I just say that out loud' " by the way you dumbass jester the o is silent now.! Don't even th--" OH who is this? A friend of yours Blitzo? She looks spicy~" " Don't speak to her like that you fake imposter!" "Awe you jealous Blitzo?" " No I am not she is different from the others so don't get involved!" 'Why do I feel like I'm just the innocent bystander in the middle of a tug of war...' " well since you're not jealous then you wouldn't mind if I did this!" Fizzarolli grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you close and kissed you.

When he pulled away from the kiss you just stood there moved your hand to your lips..." my first kiss... you stole my first kiss!!"

Oh boy what's going to happen next I wonder!

Fizzarolli: you should know you wrote this story~

Author: fizz don't be a smartass to me. Or I'll get the reader to go ballistic on you. Anyways have a good day I'll post chapter 2 tomorrow sometime. Bye bye!!

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