CH 8

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Soojung's POV

I don't know what to do! I thought we have put all of the dramas and problems that happened in high school behind us. Now it seems like the drama is coming back but this time worse. We're broken up with our boyfriends, Jieun and I aren't friends anymore and Jieun's weird relationship situation. Why is everything happening again? What did we do wrong this time? What can we or I do to fix this mess? I scratched my head in frustration and sighed. Thankfully, no one passed away this time... I hoped...

The thing that happened in the cafeteria yesterday was a big mess. Johnny really shouldn't have done that but Mark definitely deserves it. However, I'm glad that Jaehyun got to release his feelings to Mark yesterday about Jieun. I knew about his feelings for Jieun for some time now. He kept it a secret even from me but he wasn't really that great at it. He may have fooled most of our friends but not me... it was pretty obvious for me. It's cute though, how much he cared for her. But that definitely changed after Mark came into the picture. He still loves her then and he still does actually. He tries to hide it and confine it in himself but I can see through him. I hope he is able to confess to her one day.

It's the next day after all that drama happened in the cafeteria and sadly we have to go back to campus again. Thankfully, I have business class first before music. I'm trying to find something better in my life again. Find that happiness again. However, I feel as though it's with my group of friends that happiness lies. I really need to mend this friendship before it's gone forever. But before that, I need to know... what the heck is going on with Taeyong and Jieun... 

Jieun's POV

The next day following the hell of a nightmare that came yesterday - I still have to go back to the same university, the same campus grounds, the same classroom... as them again... I really can't. Some might think that I'm overreacting about my ex-boyfriend having another girlfriend but when you're in a long-distance relationship with your boyfriend of almost 3 years and he broke up with you, out of nowhere through a text message - then later finds out he is engaged to another girl... it will damage your life, one way or another - no matter what.

I got to class early and just practiced there for a while before class started. I was in no mood to dance, so I decided to sing instead. I grabbed the guitar, started playing with a few chords and sang.

I just released my feelings through this song. Words that I couldn't express to anyone were released through the song. Without realizing, tears came down while I was singing. I felt my heart breaking again, hearing the words coming from my mouth.

*Jieun finished singing*

I stopped singing and my last tear fell. I felt like breaking down right then and there but...

"Jieun-ah..." a familiar voice suddenly appeared.

I looked up and saw Mark standing quite a distance from me, as well as literally everyone... EVERYONE from class, just standing there - near the door in awe and shock. I was too - at that moment - shocked that they were there. I thought I was alone in the classroom. I then panicked knowing they probably heard me sing.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" I asked, slightly nervous.

"Since the beginning..." I then heard Johnny's voice.

All of my "friends" were just staring at me, like I was a hurt puppy that needed to be taken care of. I started putting back the guitar and gathering my stuff - without realizing that Mark had been standing quite closer to me. I finished gathering my stuff and was about to take my seat when - Mark came and blocked my way.

Unpredictable Love {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now