Chapter 1: Interview

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-Y/N is getting ready in her apartment that she shares with Jennie who's lying sick on the couch-

Jennie: Y/N, take my car. I gave you the recorder right?

Y/N: Uh...yes.

Jennie: And you have all the questions?

Y/N: Yes.

Jennie: And you know where you're going?

Y/N: Yes, I do have a GPS, and a four point O GPA. I can figure it out.

Jennie: You're wearing that?

Y/N: Okay, maybe a little less talking, more eating. Bye.

-she kisses Jennie's forehead before leaving-

-Y/N pulls up outside Jeon Enterprises building, gets out of her car and looks up at the building before entering-

Receptionist #1: Miss Park? May I take your coat?

Y/N: Oh, yeah

-Y/N takes off her coat to give to the receptionist-

Y/N: Um, Uh... Okay.

Receptionist #2: Mr. Jeon will see you now.

Y/N: Okay.

-Jungkook's secretary, Lisa approaches Y/N-

Lisa: This way please.

Y/N: Okay.

-Y/N follows Lisa-

-Lisa takes Y/N to Jungkook's office-

Lisa: Right this way.

-as Lisa opens the door, Y/N stumbles and falls forward on her hands, Jungkook walks over to her-

Jeon Jungkook: Miss Park. Are you alright?

-he helps Y/N stand-

Jeon Jungkook: Jeon Jungkook.

Y/N: I'm Kim Y/N. Um, Miss Park has the flu, so she asked me to fill in.

Jeon Jungkook: I see. So you're studying journalism as well.

Y/N: No, English Lit. Um, Jennie's my roommate.

Jeon Jungkook: As I said, I only have ten minutes. Please, have a seat, Miss Kim.

-Jungkook sits behind his desk as Y/N takes the seat opposite-

-as Y/N has forgot her pen, she notices pencils on Jungkook's desk, Jungkook gets up, picks up a pencil and gives it to Y/N-

Y/N: Thank you. Ready?

Jeon Jungkook: Whenever you are.

Y/N: Uh, okay.

-Y/N looks down at the paper with her questions on them-

Y/N: Um, so this is for the special graduation issue of the student newspaper.

Jeon Jungkook: Yes, I'm giving the commencement address at this year's ceremony.

Y/N: You are? I mean, um...I know.

-Y/N looks down at her questions-

Y/N: Uh, you are very young to have amassed such an empire. To what do you owe your...

Jeon Jungkook: To what do I owe my success?

Y/N: Yep.

Jeon Jungkook: Seriously?

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