Chapter 12: The Past

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-Jungkook drives them to the woods and wakes up Y/N from her nap-

Jeon Jungkook: Let's go for a walk.

-as they walk in the woods-

Y/N: How did you start doing this?

Jeon Jungkook: One of my mother's friends. I was fifteen.

Y/N: She seduced you?

Jeon Jungkook: I was her submissive for six years.

Y/N: Seriously? Does your mother know that?

Jeon Jungkook: Of course not. No one in my family knows about this part of me.

Y/N: So she introduced you to all this? Mrs. Jung?

Jeon Jungkook: Mrs. Jung. I'll tell her you said that, she'll love it.

Y/N: You still talk to her?

Jeon Jungkook: On occasions. We're friends. Y/N. I know how intimidating this is. I felt the same at first.

Y/N: Well, what made you change your mind?

Jeon Jungkook: By giving up control, I felt free, from responsibility, from making decisions. I felt safe. You will too, you'll see. I never took anyone in the helicopter. Never had sex in my own bed. Never slept with anyone. Ever. Only you.


-he kisses then drives her home, as he pulls outsider her apartment he gives her envelope-

Jeon Jungkook: This is the contract. Read it carefully. Email me if you have any questions.

Y/N: I told you, my computer's down.

Jeon Jungkook: Just consider it, okay?

-he kisses her hand-

Jeon Jungkook: I really hope you say yes.

-Y/N gets out of the car-

Jeon Jungkook: Laters, baby.

Y/N: Thanks for the ride.

-as Y/N enters her apartment she sees a man setting up a laptop-

Y/N: Um...

Computer Technician: Okay, you're all set. Your roommate let me in.

Jennie: I just figured that you forgot to tell me about it. Do I look okay?

Y/N: Tell you about what?

Computer Technician: Just sign here.

Y/N: Hold on, do you have the right apartment?

Computer Technician: Kim Y/N?

-Y/N signs the form and notices it's from Jungkook-

Computer Technician: Enjoy.

-the technician leaves-

Jennie: Another gift, huh? Whatever happened to flowers and chocolate? I'm dying to hear everything, but I have to run right now because Elliot and I are having dinner and then we're going to see show at the Gorge. Felix called for you, twice, by the way.

-she notices the envelope in Y/N's hand-

Jennie: Did the mail already come?

Y/N: Oh, um, no. This is...these are my thesis notes, I left them at school.

Jennie: Oh, alright. Well there's yesterday's mail.

-as Y/N goes to check the mail Jennie looks at her-

Y/N: What?

Jennie: I don't know. You look...different.

Y/N: I feel different.

Jennie: Of course you do.

-they both smile-

Jennie: Okay.

Y/N: Okay.

-Jennie turns and walks out the front door-

Jennie: Bye.

-as Y/N site to look at her new laptop she receives a message from Jungkook-

-Jungkook texts: "Thank you for a most interesting weekend. This laptop is yours. And I'd like you to use it for research."-

-Y/N texts back: "Would you now? Is this what our relationship will be like, you ordering me around?"-

-Jungkook texts back: "Oh, I hope so. And what's more, you'd like it."-

-Y/N looks over the contract Jungkook gave her with list of explanations for the dominant and submissive-

[ What paper Says ]

"The following are the terms of a binding contract between the dominant and the submissive. The fundamental purpose of this contract. Is to allow the submissive to explore her sensuality and her limits safely. The dominant and the submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. The submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the dominant, accepting those activities, outlined in hard limits. The submissive agrees to procure oral contraception from a physician of the dominant's choosing. The submissive will not enter into sexual relations with anyone other than the dominant."

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