1. Pilot

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Living with your older brother, being called the pogue princess, not having a care in the world because nobody cared about you was great. The keggers were fun, the boat days were relaxing, other pogues loved you for your light-hearted openness about everything even though life itself was shitty. You probably would've never had a second thought about being a kook if it wasn't for the money issues you had to deal with. Or the situation you were currently in; DCS was planning to take you and your brother away from the OBX and send you both into foster care on the mainland. You would have rather drowned or been eaten by a megalodon than be separated from your brother, John B, and the rest of your friends.

One second you were running away from an overweight security guard named Gary because you and your friends trespassed on a kooks summer home that was being renovated, the next second you're sitting in an office with some prissy-looking social worker named Cheryl.

"John, Y/N, it's come to our attention that you are both unemancipated minors living on your own," She states dropping the file onto her desk, taking off her glasses looking pretty much over you guys.

You and John B give each other a look, John B responds "No...no, no."

"Guys, I need you, to be honest, so that I could help you. That's what we both want, right?" Pfft, no and if you could laugh you would but you figured it wouldn't be appropriate. This lady seriously thought she was helping you, in reality, this was just a big waste of time when you could've been working your hours and making money. Unfortunately, you and JB had to sit there and try to talk your way out of this situation before they take you away.

You snapped out of your daze when the social worker asked, "When is the last time you spoke to your uncle?"

John B nodded at you to check the time and seeing as how you both didn't have a watch nor have you spoken to uncle T in a while; you estimated around the time before the DCS meeting started, "34 minutes ago."

"When's the last time you saw him?" She wrote down each answer you gave her. Once again you bullshitted another response, "Two hours and 43 minutes ago?" You played it off with a thoughtful expression.

Her eyes flickered between you and John B, "Alright, we're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're going to move forward with foster care." The thought of it made you shiver, you shut your eyes tight, 'Great'.

"I want to assure you, we're going to find you a safe and loving home." Cause that's exactly what you wanted, note the sarcasm, after that, you and John B went your separate ways.

You had the get to the country club where you worked with one of your best friends; JJ was waiting for you to help him with the shutters since the news said there was gonna be a hurricane.


You wake up early the next morning to clean up the house before DCS came to do the assessment, John B told you last night that he called to reschedule because of Hurricane Agatha but just in case, it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little bit. You picked up the piles of trash littered around the kitchen, roaches of joints you had smoked but just left there, organizing everything you could to make the place look decent.

You took a break by sitting on the couch next to a passed-out JJ and opened your phone but once you tried to open social media, nothing would load, meaning the internet was down and if the internet was down; the power is out. On other occasions, it would've been because either you or John B forgot to pay the electric bill but knowing it was Hurricane Agatha, you groaned. Who knows when it'll get fixed, figure-eight gets priority most of the time, and usually by the time they're done fixing the eights houses they'll come a day or two or maybe even a week after claiming they couldn't get through the damage.

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