6 months later
Karlie POV
These past few months, I've been feeling bad. I been throwing up a lot lately. And I Mused my period twice. So right now, I called August and told him to bring me some pregnancy test. He should be here by now. Next thing you know, August walked through the door with a bag full of pregnancy test.
August:" Here you go baby."
Me:" Thanks. Wanna come upstairs with me."
August:" Yes."
So I went upstairs to the bathroom, and pee on all 5 of the pregnancy sticks. I had left the sticks in the bathroom and went in the room with August.
August:" What it say."
Me:" you have to wait 5 minutes."
So 5 minutes had passed, and it was time. August and I went in the bathroom to go read the results.
August:" All of them say positive accept for the last one. You should make a doctor's appointment to make sure."
Me:" Ok I will."
So I called my doctor to schedule a appointment.
Me:" She told me to come in at 9:00 tomorrow morning."
August:" Ok. I'll come pick you up. I'm fina go home. Alexis is blowing my phone up constantly. "
Me:" Ok."
I walked downstairs and gave August a French kiss and then he left. If y'all wondering when the kids at, their with my mom for the weekend.
August POV
I can't believe that Karlie might be pregnant. That's going to be on my mind all freaking night. I'm on my way home, but I got hungry so I stopped at Popeyes and got what I usually get. Once I got my food, I headed home.
Alexis:" Hey baby."
Me:" Hey lex."
Alexis:" August can I talk to you about something."
Me:" Sure."
Alexis:" Ok. You barely be home, you don't be coming home til the next day or the next three days. What's going on August????"
August:" Nothing been going on. I've just be busy a lot at the studio. I goes to Karlie house and spend time with my kids."
Alexis:" You have your other daughter Anna. You barely spend time with her."
Me:" But Anna stays with me, Rainbow and Melvin don't. I don't see them everyday."
Alexis:" Ok, whatever, I'm done with this conversation."
Me:" ight."
So I got up, took me a shower, set the alarm for Karlie doctor's appointment and went to sleep.
Karlie POV
So I texted August and told him to meet me at the doctors office. Once I got there, he was just pulling up.
Me:" Hey August."
August:" Hey Karlie."
So we walked inside of the building, I checked myself in. 10 minutes later, they called me to the back.
Dr. Polizzi:" Hi Karlie, how have you been."
Me:" I've been ok."
Dr. Polizzi:" So what bring you here today?"
Me:" I've been feeling sick lately. I've been throwing up, sleeping a lot, gained weight, and I missed both of my periods. So I want a pregnancy test to see if I'm pregnant or not."
Dr. Polizzi:" Well I want you for to go pee in this cup for me."
Me:" Ok."
So I went pee in the cup. She said the results should be back in 5 minutes.
Me:" So August, if I am pregnant, what would you do?? What would you say to Alexis???"
August:" Idk, I just thought of that. But I'm going to take care of my responsibilities."
Me:" Ok. "
So we were talking just to make time past. The time had passed, and the doctor had cane beck with the results.
Dr. Polizzi:" Karlie, you are pregnant."
Me:" How far long am I."
Dr. Polizzi:" You are 4 months along."
Me:" Wow, ok. I see how I'm getting fat."
Dr. Polizzi:" lol, wounds you like a ultrasound and see the gender of the baby while you guys are here???"
Me/August:" Sure."
Dr. Polizzi:" Ok, just lay down right there. I'm fina put some cold jelly on your stomach."
Me:" Ok."
Dr. Polizzi:" Here you can see the baby head, wait, it's 2 babies. Karlie you are having twins."
Me:" awww look August. I can't believe were having twins."
August:" Wow. I can't believe that. But I'm ready for the gender lol."
Me:" Me too."
Dr. Polizzi:" Ok, as you see, baby A is a girl, and baby B is a girl also. Congrats y'all too."
Me/August:" Thanks."
Dr. Polizzi:" I'll be back with sonogram pictures and your prenatal vitamins."
Me:" Ok, thanks. Wow August twins, Rainbow and Melvin is going to be excited."
August:" I got 2 more princess on the way."
Dr. Polizzi:" Here are the pictures and your vitamins, your free to go."
So after I got all my stuff, we walked out the building with paparazzi everywhere. So August helped me safely to my car.
August:" Wanna go to lunch since the kids still at school??"
Me:" yea."
So I drive off and went met August at Olive garden.
August:" table for 2, and give us a booth."
Waiter:" Ok, follow me."
So we got settled in at the booth. And the waiter came back with our menus.
Waiter:" May I start y'all off with drinks."
Us:" Sure."
Me:" I would like a diet coke."
August:" You can give me a sprite."
So the waiter left, and all I could do is think. Wow, I can't believe I'm having two baby girls. So the waiter came back, and we ordered our food. 25 minutes later, he came back with our food.
Me:" OMG, thus pasta is so good."
August:" ik. So Karlie, how I am going to do this. I'm actually scared to tell Alexis this."
Me:" Well August, just tell her the truth. Ok. The truth won't hurt. She probably gonna be hurt and mad, but give it a try and see."
August:" Ok thanks for the advice."
Me:" No problem babes."
I can't wait to tell Rainbow and Melvin this news. They are going to he do happy that their see having 2 baby sisters.
Did y'all like it

Last Chance (Sequel to When I first Saw You: Book 2)
FanfictionDon't need a description. Just read the story to find out