2 weeks later.........
Laylay POV
So I was laying on the couch watching tv with mom and the twins til I felt something wet.
Me:" Mom, I think my water broke."
Mom:" OMG!!!! August come get the twins and put them in the car. Laylay is in labor."
So we got Laylay, the kids, and the twins in the car. We went dropped the kids off at his mom and now we are heading to the hospital.
8 hours later.................
Laylay POV
I can't believe that my Prince is here now. I've been waiting for this moment for 9 months now. Once I got him in my arms, I felt a special bond already. I will nurture my baby and give him the best life ever. I love you with all my heart. WELCOME TO THE WORLD MEGA NOEL ALSINA-JONES!!!!!!!
Me:" Mom, look at his little fingers."
Mom:" He so precious."
Me:" Where's dad."
Mom:" He went downstairs to get the family.
So me and mom taking pictures til everybody came.
Mimi:" My grandbaby had finally made it."
Mega:" Sissy, you look rough."
Me:" Whatever Mega."
Angel:" My nephew is finally here."
Mimi:" Fiz say that he is gonna come when you get home."
Me:" oh ok cool."
While everybody was taking turns holding Mega, the doctor came in and announced that visitation is over.
Me:" Thanks everyone for coming. Today is the best day that I ever had in my entirely life."
Everybody:" You welcome. Goodnight."
Me:" Night."
So everybody left, I fed Mega, then put him to sleep. Then I ate, and I fell asleep.
The next day...........
I was up holding Mega and watching tv til I heard a knock on the door.
Me:" Come in."
I can't believe who it was.
Fiz:" Sorry I didn't come yesterday during the birth bae. I was at work."
Me:" Don't lie to me Fiz, you wasn't at work. You told me you took off for that day. So where were you."
Fiz:" I was with some friends and I got caught up, I'm sorry Laylay."
Me:" Why you sorry for."
Fiz:" I cheated on you."
Me:" You know what, I hate guys like you. Y'all always break us girls hearts. What made you cheat on me. We was only together for 8 months Fiz."
Fiz:" I found out that I got a kid by my ex. So I went by her house to go see the baby. When I got there, I spent sometime with the baby. After the baby went to sleep, she went put him to bed. After that, we was just talking and watching tv til we started kissing and next thing you kno we having sex."
Me:" How long have this been going on."
Fiz:" For 3 months."
Me:" You kno what, get the hell out of my room. Go be with her."
So he was steady trying to explain. And I want hearing it. After he left, mom and August came in.
Mom:" Hey baby girl."Me :" Hey y'all."
Dad:" When the doctor said you can come home."
Me:" Idk yet. He should be back in here. Speaking of the devil, here he is."
Dr." Hi everyone, Ms. Jones, are you ready to go home today."
Me:" Yea."
Dr." Here are your discharge papers."
So we got the discharge papers and headed on home. Now it's time for me to begin my life as a teen mom.
Mega in the MM

Last Chance (Sequel to When I first Saw You: Book 2)
FanfictionDon't need a description. Just read the story to find out