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Karlie POV

Today is the day That Hazel and Riley comes over. But as of right now, I'm trying to get the girls and Melvin to clean their rooms.

Me:" Y'all go clean your rooms, Hazel and Riley is coming over."

Kids:" Ok mom."

So while the kids went cleaned up, I was cleaning the downstairs. After everybody got finished cleaning, the kids went out their bathing suits on and went got in the pool. I went out on my bathing suit. I heard a knock on the door, so I went answered it.

Hazel/ Riley:" Heyyy."

Me:" Hey, please come in. Riley the kids are already outside in the pool."

Riley:" Ok. Mom here's my stuff. Bye."

So we grabbed the snacks and went outside and sat in the patio while watching the kids swim.  Hazel and I is talking and everything til August and Kirk walked in.

August/ Kirk:" Hey everyone."

Me:" Hey baby, hey Kirk."

August:" Sis, why you so quiet."

Hazel:" Because, I don't wanna be around Kirk. He missed out a lot in Riley's life. And the way he treated me when I was pregnant, it hurted me. So I don't know what to say to him."

August:" Damn, but Kirk, this here is my older sister, and even though we just now knew about each other, I didn't like how she told me how you treated her. Y'all need to work out y'all problems. Y'all have a beautiful 6 year old daughter together. You needs to apologize to my sister. You don't know what she been through."

Kirk:" ight man, Hazel let me holla at you for a minute."

Hazel:" Ok."

While Hazel and Kirk went talk, me and August started on a conversation on our own.

August:" So how was your day bae."

Me:" It was ok, but trying to make the kids clean up the room. I can't do a lot of things by myself now. The twins will be here any minute now."

August:" I know baby, that's why I took off for at least 7 or 8 months just to help you around."

Me:" Awwww baby. But we haven't came up with any names."

August:" We can do that tonight."

Me:" Ok bae."

Hazel POV

Me:" Ok Kirk, what you wanna talk about."

Kirk:" First thing, let me apologize. I am sorry Hazel, I am deeply sorry. I just had a lot to do. Ima be honest with you, I wasn't ready for a relationship at the time. The money and fame had got to my head. I will do anything just to get back with you and raise my family. I wanna make up the time that I missed in Riley's life."

Hazel:" idk Kirk, take me on a date tonight and I will let you know."

Kirk:" Ok. I love you Hazel."

Hazel:" I love you too Kirk."

Karlie POV

While August and I are talking, I see Kirk and Hazel coming out the house smiling at each other.

August:" I see somebody made up."

Me:" Awwww look how cute."

Kids:" We are hungry."

Me:" Ok, Hazel lets go fix the kids a Sandwich while the guys sit outside and watch them."

Hazel:" Ok."

So we went in the house and went fix everybody something to eat even the guys and then we called them inside.

Hazel:" Hey Karlie and brother, I wanted to know that if Riley can stay here the night while I go out with Kirk. I'll come get Riley in the morning."

Me:" Girl she can stay anytime she want to. I got her she is in good hands with me and August, plus she got the girls."

Hazel:" Thank you brother and thank you law."

August/Me:" You welcome."

Everybody got finished and the kids went took a bath now they watching tv in their rooms. After I cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, I went took me a bath. While August was watching tv, I was thinking of baby names for my twin girls.

Me:" Babe, you still wanna help me think of names for the twins."

August:" Yes baby."

Me:" Ok. have you thought of any."

August:" Yea. I like Augusta and Augustine."

Me:" no baby, were going with the names Heaven Faith Alsina and Naveah Hope Alsina, what you think baby."

August:" I love them. I can't wait til my babies come. These 2 weeks is moving slow."

Me:" lol ik baby, I already be feeling lil Sharp pain. And don't freak out, I'm talking about contractions."

August:" Oh ok, I was fina say call my momma to come get the kids and let's go."

Me:" Lol baby I see you ready."

August:" yep."

So we watched tv together til we both fell asleep. I love to fall asleep in August arms. He's my king, and I'm his queen.  I'm Alsina for life.

Hope y'all like.


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