Karlie POV
So today is the day that Heather comes by the house with the baby. She is a nice girl after all. So the kids at school while me, Laylay, the twins and August are downstairs watching tv til we heard the doorbell ring.
Laylay:" Hi I'm Laylay, you may come in."
Heather:" Ok."
So Laylay let her in and she came sat from across me and August.
Me:" Hi Heather, this is Laylay our adopted daughter, of course you kno August, these are the twins, Heaven and Naveah and the rest of our kids is at school."
Heather:" Hi nice to meet you Laylay, and hi August."
Heather:" You don't have to speak."
Laylay:" I'm fina go upstairs, call me if you need something."
Me:" Ok dear."
August:" I got one question for you."
Heather:" Ok."
August:" How the FUCK-
Me:" Bae the twins are right here. No cursing."
August:" I'm sorry baby."
Me:" Ok."
We kissed then he continued.
August:" How the hell did you get pregnant and I used a condom??"
Heather:" Well, do you remember you was trying to get the condom opened and it won't open??"
August:" Yea."
Heather:" You was biting all over the condom trying to rip it open. But once you got it opened, the condom was a lil ripped, so I told you we can't have sex unless you have a new condom and you said this one will still work. And I said are you sure, and you said yes. Then I said what if I get pregnant and you said, ima take care of the baby, don't worry about it. So now look, we have a 1 year old son together."
Me:" Is she telling the truth Anthony."
August:" Yes baby, I'm sorry I didn't tell you all the details."
Me:" And you knew that I didn't want to go thru this baby momma shit again August."
August:" I'm sorry baby."
Me:" So your telling me that we went got a pregnancy test for nothing."
August:" Yes baby."
Me:" And this where majority of your money going to."
August:" Yes."
Me:" Laylay, come get the twins please."
Laylay:" Ok mom."
So she came got the twins and brought them in the game room.
Me:" That's why your ass couldn't sign the girls up for dance lessons, the twins for baby gymnastics, and Melvin for football. Wtf August Anthony Alsina Jr??? You kno I haven't been working in awhile ever since I had the twins. We barely have money August, how could you."
Heather:" Maybe I should leave."
So Heather left and August and I got into an argument.
August:" Baby I'm sorry ok. I will get the twins in gymnastics, Rainbow and Anna in dance class, and Melvin in football."
Me:" Whatever August."
August:" Baby trust me."
Me:" Whatever, move out of my way so I can get dinner started. Go get the kids from school."
August:" Ok."
He tried to kiss me, and I moved my face. I went in the kitchen and was starting to cook dinner. I was halfway done when the kids made it.
Kids:" Hey mommy, we got home work to do."
Me:" Ok. Go get cleaned up and come downstairs and do your homework."
Kids:" Ok."
So I continued cooking dinner and August was sitting at the island looking sad. So I got finished with dinner and I called everybody to the table. After everybody ate dinner, the kids and Laylay went to bed.
Me:" August come here."
August:" what sup."
Me:" I'm sorry that I blew up on you, but why didn't you tell me about you helping Heather out."
August:" idk, I didn't kno how you was go take it. I'm sorry baby I really am."
Me:" It's ok. I forgive you."
August:" Thanks baby."
Me:" if you help me clean, maybe I'll give you treat from helping me."
So he helped me clean up and next thing you kno, we was upstairs having the best night of our lives."

Last Chance (Sequel to When I first Saw You: Book 2)
FanfictionDon't need a description. Just read the story to find out