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Lissa stayed with me for a while longer, talking to me and keeping me company. We talked about everything that had been happening at the school while I was out.
The guardians were preparing a big funeral and everyone seemed to be busy. Classes were cancelled for the week but the academy was slowly trying to regain control.
She also explained to me what happened to dimitri, apparently he kinda just showed up at the academy and my mom was there too. She hadn't really gotten to ask much about everything because she was worried about me but she had healed him and told him that I was worried about him.
Because of the attacks, curfew had been really strict and so lissa didn't get to spend the nights with me. She hadn't left my side as much as possible and on the first night after she threw what she called a 'rose worthy tantrum' dimitri had stepped in and promised to stay there the whole night and told her that he'd get her if there were any changes in my condition.
"I saw his care for you..." she had said "I dont know how I missed it before"

Lissa again stayed with me till curfew, we talked about birthdays since mine was coming up but soon she was gone. I had woken up in the middle of the moroi day so I didn't feel tried when she left. Actually as time passed I felt more and more fresh. I assumed it had something to do which not sucking in darkness which Dr. Olendzki had strictly told me not to do. She had also made lissa promise to not do any magic for the next few days considering the situation and lissa had applied agreed.
The whole time she was there i had felt her concern and love for me and by the time she left I truly felt happy about her and me. Like there was hope that I wouldn't go crazy, that she wouldn't let me.

All that left was dimitri.
He hadn't come back since leaving me with lissa after I woke up and I felt disappointment surrounding me the whole time. I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital at all and he wasn't anywhere near so I couldn't get to him. I wanted to talk to him so badly that I felt like my body would with all tbe pent up energy I was creating.
I knew that he was busy with all the guardian stuff since everything had been hectic but honestly some childish part of me was very hurt that he wouldn't want to talk to me.

Finally as I lay awake on my uncomfortable hospital bed dimitri spid into the room, his figure tall and large reminding me of a giant.

"Why are you so tall?!" I asked putting all my frustration into that then him who likely had a very logical reason for not showing. With dimitri there were no puzzles, at least not for me. His intentions were always clear.

He looked amused and that made more mad. Why didn't he understand? I had been sick with worry for him... literally.

"I can't really control my height, I'm sorry" he replied, the hint of a smile on his face.

"And I'm sorry about how long you had to wait" he said quiter, a little while later, his voice calm as he sat down on the chair next to my bed.
It was a normal enough action but to me who knew him well enough, I could see that he was afraid that he might lose control if whatever this conversation was went into a direction that couldn't control.
He had made it clear that he accepted the fact that he loved me but still he wouldn't have a relationship with me... not until I graduated and we figured out a job situation.
A silence fell between us as we studied each other. He looked as good as ever but I could see from is posture that he was tired.

"Why- I mean I did it take so long"

"I was on rest, and got released yesterday. Today was my first day back on duty" he explained "and with how busy everyone is I couldn't really get away"
I nodded, not very interested in this. To me what had happened was much more important right now. I was dying to know.
He looked at me understanding.


"What happened?"

"The strigoi had started to drink from me and I knew that I only had a second before the endorphins kicked in, I had to use to hurt of the bite to my advantage. So, I used all my strength to punch him off. It worked but his teeth were still in my skin so the pain.. it blinded me for a second. That was a mistake but I also realised that it had also caused it pain so I used that to my avantage and I ran" I stared at him.
I recalled him telling me that the first thing I should ever do when seeing a strigoi was run.

"I knew I wouldn't be able to run far with the endorphins and blood loss... so I ran out the caves and hid myself" he said his voice grim from remembering what had happened. I couldn't help it, I took his had and held it. He looked up at me a little startled before continuing the story.

"I woke up to your mom shaking me" now that was a surprise, I recalled lissa saying that my mom was with him but I hadn't expected that.

"I hadn't expected that either" dimitri said, giving me a half smile. God.. I lived for his smiles.
"She half dragged and half carried me back"
That was a sight that I couldn't imagine. Like I said, dimitri is tall, giant tall, and my mother who stood at the low low height of 5 feet had carried him.

"I was going in and out of consciousness at this point and when I woke up, lissa was next to me. She didn't really say anything but I knew I shouldn't have been feeling as well as I did after what happened.
She told me about how you were in a coma and then left." 
Huh. So lissa hadn't talked to dimitri about us, I was weirdly thankful for that.

"You have no idea how glad I am that you're alive comrade" I said, trying to control my shaking voice.

"I-i.. when lissa told me that you went into a coma after finding out I hadn't been found... well, I thought about the Prophecy... I didn't know what to do roza." His voice was pained and he squeezed my hand.

"Hey, I'm okay comrade, don't worry"
He nodded but his eyes were dark filled with sadness.

"Your mother, guardian hathaway, she had that long talk with me, I told you I would be getting a ugly talking to but I didn't expect it to be so soon" he said his smile returning but I could see he was still sad.

I had gotten caught up in dimitri's emotion and hadn't questioned how strange it was that my mother found him after the rescue mission.

"Yea.. I don't get where my mother fit's into all this honestly"

"She cares about you more then you think. She told me after I woke up that, when she told you that I hadn't been found you went crazy and had a look in your eyes that she didn't know how to describe. That she didn't know what to do. The school gave her leave since you were sick and she couldn't sit there. She's a lot like you" he smiled, knowing he had told me this before and that I had tried to deny it to the best of my abilities.

"She said that you ran off when you found out and she thought that you were going to try and look for me. So she did it in your place. Apparently you told her that you needed to go find me and that I had to be alive when she was carrying you to the hospital" dimitri finished.
He gave me time, understanding that I was processing all the information. Had I told my mom that? Did she really went to go find him for me... well, I hadn't expected that from her.

"She also told me" dimitri began again "that you tried to run back into the caves when I didn't come out"

"I did... and I know that was stupid and against everything you taught me-"

"No," he said cutting me off.
"I would have done same roza" and looking at him in that moment, with his eyes burning with love and cared, Love and care for me, I knew he would.

"But I couldn't... they didn't let me"

"They did the right thing too, I couldn't imagine you getting hurt, because me. I'm sorry about everything that you had to though the past few days because me rose. I'm really sorry"
My heart broke into a million pieces seeing him apologize. I knew he was like me, he thought he had been weak when he didn't manage to escape with the rest of us. He blamed himself for not being strong enough, so that I wouldn't have gotten attacked by ghosts.

"It wasn't something... it isn't you should be apologising for." I said pulling him closer though his hand that was still intertwined with mine and I gave him a soft kiss. His lips were just as I remembered, soft but powerful.
It was quick kiss as we parted I could see that both of us had felt better about everything thanks to that. For a moment I felt longing for more before I let it go. It was difficult to and I saw dimitri do the same... he had been right to sit away.

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