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We soon landed, though no one was as excited as before. Liss, being her lovely self, did try to lighten the mood a little bit but it didn't really help much and from looking at moms and Dimitri's faces, I could tell I wouldn't be having a fun birthday.
As we existed the plane, there were more guardians waiting for us.
"Princess, allow us to introduce ourselves, I'm denial and this is Kai, we are guardians from the two colleges you will be touring today. We'll be your guide"

"Hello, very nice to meet you" lissa replied, polite as ever.

" if I may ask, is everyone going on the tours or.."

"Right, I don't really have the mood to hang around anymore, I'm gonna find a bar" Adrian said, starting to walk off.
Maybe I should stop him, I thought but then maybe I'm not the one to help...

"Adrian, you can still come with me to-"

"It's fine cousin, enjoy your tours. I don't particularly want to go to college... so I'll skip" he smiled saying that but all of us knew it was fake.


I really hated this awkwardness...

"How about this liss, you and criss go check out the college and then meet me and Eddie later? And you can take guardian Hathaway and them with you" I said pointing to the queens guards.
This made liss laugh.

'What some alone time?'
She had a sly smile on her face and suddenly I kinda regretted telling her about Dimitri...
It was just weird for her to know but also I felt good about it. About having her support me.

"Actually no, more like curious" I answered honestly, making the guardians that didn't know us give us a questioning look.

"Hmm, yea we can go with that plan" liss said nodding in understanding.

"Princess lissa, if I may suggest something" my mother finally spoke. Her voice was tight and it looked like it pained her to not be the perfect guardian or something. Honestly, why was she here anyways.

'Sorry' I heard lissa say to me before she spoke "sure"

"Would it be okay if guardian Altro look my sport instead"

Liss looked at me and I knew that even with the stupid one way bond she knew exactly what I was thinking.


But she being herself didn't like to listen to me.

'You should talk to her, you can't not talk to your mom forever'

"Watch me" I simply replied, though I didn't mean to sound upset with her it came out quite cold but I was glad to see liss understood what I meant by that. I was simply upset with the situation and not her.

"That's okay guardian Hathaway, I don't find"

"Thank you princess"

And so with a final hug and 'be nice she is your mom' lissa and criss were off to see the colleges avaliable at court.
Then suddenly I heard her send a message to me.

'Watch with me okay? I don't wanna make this decision alone'

She turned around for a second to look at me and I simply nodded letting her know I would and then we went on our separate ways.


Dimitri, mom, Eddie and I walked in science out of the small airportish place. If the tension was a tangible thing I could cut it with my stake. The tension was thick thick.
I didn't really care about the 'looks' that my mom was giving me, and I was happily ignoring them. Occasionally, I spoke to Eddie about stupid stuff and ignored the adult's but sadly Eddie was very aware of everything like everyone good guardian should be.
The second we were out of the airport he said that he wanted to visit Maya, and dipped on me.

I vowed to have my revenge and turned to my mother who was already in her I'm larger than life stance. Honestly, how can someone so short look so intimidating? She was half of my size and yet there she stood ready to chew me out and honestly I couldn't help it anymore.

"What? Is me simply existing bothering you now, guardian Hathaway?"
Before I saw her face, I saw Dimitri's which told me that was a mistake.
He looked like he wanted to be anywhere in the world but here and part of me melted at that, I wanted to laugh at the expression he had but decided that wouldn't work Considering the current situation I was in.

"I don't have the energy rose, don't start with me right now"

"Right, I get it. It not like you've ever had any energy to spare on me anyways, so I'm not really surprised. But thanks for letting me know" I replied, petty as ever I knew but I honestly didn't get her sometimes. How could she be my mother? Of everyone in this world, we were the least alike. Then there was Dimitri, his family was so sweet and wonderful, was it wrong for me to want a normal mother?

"Rose" Dimitri said, in him calm down right now, rose voice as he lightly shoved me back.

"Seriously? Are you back on that?" My mother said, voice still low and controlled.

"Right, I'm sorry, I forgot I was supposed to just move on with my issues whenever you felt like you didn't wanna deal with them anymore"

"Tell me rose, so what did you want exactly? To be a bloodwhore?" She was no longer controlled and I was seeing red but before I could reply Dimitri stepped in between us.

"Calm down, both you of you"

Mom seemed shocked by Dimitri talking to her like that but did immediately calm down. I on the other hand didn't, and seeing this Dimitri put a hand on my shoulder, that did the trick.

"Do you two even know what your fighting about?" There was slight humor in his voice, one that couldn't be detected by most people.

"My apologies guardian Hathaway but I think you should take this somewhere more private" he continued now more back to normal.

I mom signed loudly, then simply replied "rose, come with me"


Ooohhhhh a lot happened hehee, what do you guys think of Dimitri having to calm them down? I think Dimitri would find this situation funny because both of them confide in him lol and they both are so similar.
Anyways, should rose follow her?

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